online crush


Well-known member
here's my story, a bit long
Hey ladies and gents,
I have a question and thought you guys would be able to help me out hopefully. Ok, so there's this guy (let's call him) Benga. Benga is a friend of a friend that originally sent me a msg in 06 or 05 saying that he was sending me a msg cuz he liked my profile and that I didn't mind going against the grain and that he had seen me on his friend's (let's call him Jorge) top 24. He said that he knew Jorge from school which I didn't believe so I sent JOrge a message and he actually did know him. Jorge and Benga are not necessarily best buds but would be at the sam parties and chat around campus. This basically confirmed that Benga was NOT crazy. I added Benga as a friend and he told me thanks cuz he said he was too shy meaning that he had never really added people on myspace he didn't know in real life. We then started talking on aim alot maybe like a year. He invited me to some concerts through myspace during the summer but I couldn't go because I was broke. He gave me his phone numbr so I texted him letting him know I couldn't go. He then called me. I was quite hesitant to pick up but I did. We talked and I let him know I was too broke etc etc. Since then we have been calling each other on the phone. Not alot but just enough. He's travelled out of the country so hes been quite busy and he's also become the president of the school so I don't get to talk to him as often as I used to. Benga's expressed to me that he would like to meet me still even though we couldn't hit up the concerts. I told him that sounded cool but it was hard because I donot have a car and evrything so it is hard for me to get there.

Benga's quite good looking to me and seems to be a nice guy(emphasis on seems! lol). Quite intelligent and blah blah so I guess I had a bit of a crush on him (I'm known for having many crushes! ahah) but it hasn't been a real big issue because I just thought it was one sided. But now I'm starting to think maybe he likes me? During one of our phone convos he asks me to hold on so he can talk to his Haitian friend (while i can hear the whole convo)who speaks French mostly but speaks only a teensy bit of English. HE was visiting Benga so he had to give him directions in French to his house. After he gets off the phone with his haitian friend he then starts talking to me in French. He starts ramblign off of this stuff though he knows I speak NO french! After he stopped talking I was like can you please translate. He told me that he thought I was really nice n sweet, very pretty and that he really wanted to meet me. I said thanks and whatnot and we kept on talking then got off the phone since his Haitian friend would be there soon. At like 1am that morning I get a text from Benga saying "do you believe what I told you". In my sleepy state I had no clue what he was talking about so I sent back sayin' "umm what part of our convo are you talkin bout?". I didn't get a response all that day so I called him at night and asked him wht he was talking about. He sounded a bit suprised that I called and he said "sorry about that my friend that came to visit sent that". I said ok then we got off the phone after a few more words. THe thing is is that he didn't sound like himself he sounded like he was lying. I know he was because his friend that he claims that wrote it couldn't have composed this perfectly written text in english. I never brought this up but we kept talking whenever and he began calling me names like "nena" which is a term of endearment in Spanish and told me how he has alot of friends that are girls but how he is always just the friend. He even sent me some older hip hop song that related to the issue. To my knowlledge throughtout all this time he has remained single...

Fastforward two days ago I texted him askin him what he was up to n how he was doing. In one of my responses I called him "nene" (male equivalent to nena) and the message I got from him was "so what's up with you and me baby" . That shocked the hell out of me cuz he NEVER talks like this so I wasn't sure what to type. something told me to keep it neutral so I typed " I don't know. That was out of nowhere". HE then replied saying "sorry, my homegirl took my phone, she's silly". Of course I was pissed thinking of all the things I could have typed n how embarassing thar couldve been. I told him that it seems alot of his friends do that. and that when i text him next type i hope that's who im actually talking to and told him to have a good night and id talk to him later. i talked ot him on the phone later that night with basic convo and he told me he still couldn't believe that we hadn't met. I told him I didn't want him to think that I dind't want to meet him just cuz I've never been able to come to his parties. and i had invited him with me and some friends but he said that it would consume too much gas (the location we were going to was about 20 to 30 minutes south of where i live. i already live about 20 to 30 minutes from him. and don't forget the la traaffic). He's confusing since either way it goes either from where i am or where he is it'll be too much gas. Anyways, he has alot of parties so next time I think me and my frineds are goign to drop by for like 20 minutes to meet him etc.

Should I just not bother meeting him? Am I crazy thinking he does he like me? I'm even wondering if it was HIM who sent that message (maybe drunk|) and wanted to see what i would respond with. I'm just confused. Any insight would be great ladies!!!


Well-known member
Well, I think if you take the right safety precautions as in bringing friends with and meeting in a public place you are 22 after all so why not. 20-30 minutes is really NOT that far at all. I live in a small town of like 3k people and we have to drive 20-30 minutes to get anywhere to even get groceries, etc. So...

You only live once and it's definitely worth a shot! It would be rather silly if you never talked on the phone or anything but since you do and there seems to be chemistry then why not. Biggest mistake you can make would be to over think things!

As for the texts...who knows? He may just be shy or it may really be someone else...either way they were nothing negative and mean to be that worried about!

Goodluck! xo


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Well, I think if you take the right safety precautions as in bringing friends with and meeting in a public place you are 22 after all so why not. 20-30 minutes is really NOT that far at all. I live in a small town of like 3k people and we have to drive 20-30 minutes to get anywhere to even get groceries, etc. So...

You only live once and it's definitely worth a shot! It would be rather silly if you never talked on the phone or anything but since you do and there seems to be chemistry then why not. Biggest mistake you can make would be to over think things!

As for the texts...who knows? He may just be shy or it may really be someone else...either way they were nothing negative and mean to be that worried about!

Goodluck! xo

thanks girlie! you're right it isn't THAT far and it never seemed to be an issue for him until now. That's for sure, it will be alot of people around . Any other meeting place would be a public place as well. Thanks alot hun!


Well-known member
Hey Ms. Milamonster,

Im not sure but those awkward text messages would raise a flag for me. I was in a similar situation and I chose to ignore the signs because I liked this person alot and at the end of the day my gut feeling was right. Sometimes you have to look at situations outside of how you feel...even if you really like the person. I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt but some people have dishonorable intentions....playa playas lol

Well thats my input. Good luck


Well-known member
thanks very much Jeannie!!!
i actually talked to him not too long ago before i read your msg. I had already let him know to call me when he wasn't busy but i didn't expect him to call me that soon! HE sounded hella curious of what i was going to say and was like what do you want to tell me but i was just going to let him know if his friends DID write them then i wanted to let him know that id appreciate if they didnt . But i didnt know how to say this without sounding bitchy or overdramatic. so i said call me back later. and he was like later later. but i told him later in a few days. i will be considering all of these responses for the time he calls me.


Well-known member
Goodluck sweetie!

Just remember to take chances - the only regrets you should have in life are the chances you didn't take! Whether that be confronting him about the texts, meeting him, whatever you need to do!

Let us know how everything goes. ;o) XO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Well, I think if you take the right safety precautions as in bringing friends with and meeting in a public place you are 22 after all so why not. 20-30 minutes is really NOT that far at all. I live in a small town of like 3k people and we have to drive 20-30 minutes to get anywhere to even get groceries, etc. So...

You only live once and it's definitely worth a shot! It would be rather silly if you never talked on the phone or anything but since you do and there seems to be chemistry then why not. Biggest mistake you can make would be to over think things!

As for the texts...who knows? He may just be shy or it may really be someone else...either way they were nothing negative and mean to be that worried about!

Goodluck! xo

I agree with everything she said.


Well-known member
thanks Keshie,

all im really glad i posted it here, you guys are lifesavers for giivng m e feedback


Well-known member
ugh ths is so messed up. i jujst found out Jorge told Benga (dont know how long ago) that i liked him and ask him abunch of questions about him. Which i didnt say or do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by milamonster
ugh ths is so messed up. i jujst found out Jorge told Benga (dont know how long ago) that i liked him and ask him abunch of questions about him. Which i didnt say or do.

What a dork lol


Well-known member
ive been in this situation a few times, so here's what i did... i did go to meet them and i flat out told them my feelings... im totally not about beating around the bush and wasting i guess you can say that's a bit reckless, but at least you know either way right????? its already been a year, correct?? you say you have a crush on him, then i think you should find out exactly where u 2 stand!! i think that being upfront and open about ur feelings would eliminate all the confusion. sure it may sting for a lil bit if you don't get the answer you wanted, but imagine if you did get the answer you wanted!!!!
i think it's worth the risk!!! go get him girl!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by milamonster
ugh ths is so messed up. i jujst found out Jorge told Benga (dont know how long ago) that i liked him and ask him abunch of questions about him. Which i didnt say or do.

oh no! i just read this
i really can't stand when ppl don't mind their business!!!!
i guess now you really don't have a choice but to discuss it with Benga now right??? And give Jorge a stern talking to!!!


Well-known member
welll this is quite ridiculous.NOw it's really confusing:
i asked Jorge what the hell he said to BEnga and not to lie. Although I knew part of it I wanted him to say it all. THe girl who told me was told this info by JOrge and she didn't want to reveal herself (because she didnt want Jorge to know she told ). Jorge is all like i dont know what youre talking to i havent sen him (benga) in forever. I already know this is true because me & Jorge are the same year and he graduated last June and like 3 weeks ago he told me he hadn't seen Benga in a while. So I'm assuming this convo took place a while ago. Hmmm...maybe when he his Haitian friend visitied? maybe before or after? don't know. Anywho, I also talked to Benga and flatout said that someone told me that Jorge had been telling him stuff about me and Benga also denied. He told me some stuff that he told him but it was basic stuff that I wouldn't mind. Jorge kept swearing and promising he didn't tell Benga I liked him . I couldn't be too in detail with Benga just cuz it would give away who the information source was! but she said it was like a discussion they had according to JOrge. THe result wasn't too clear as in she didn't really know. She doesn't know when it took place. I still don't know how I'm going to tell him that I like him. Because like the above user said i might as wlel say it. I have no prob saying I think he's good lookin etc because I tell people this all the time but I wouldn't feel comfortable telling him then waiting for an answer. If I were to confess I'd just say it and then shuttup and be like bye! pretty akward I know. I think maybe after I have some drinks and I'm feeling good I'll just let him know and tell him that I have a bit of a crush on him and I just wanted to tell him and not that I'm looking for a response etc. and then peace out!

But in all seriousness, I feel like a stalker or something. Because not only did he tell him had i been askin all this stuff about him but also because i mean im calling him being all suspicious about ish that he doesn't "know" about. lol. I know he doesn't think that but yeh. JOrge needs his butt kicked.


Well-known member
Give me Jorge's address - I took kickboxing! HA! jk.

Yeah...don't you hate when people blabber about you liking someone when it isn't their place to do so. Do you know WHY Jorge did it? That would help out a lot - if it were because Benga likes you, too, etc.

Go for it girl! You've just gotta find the most comfortable way to talk to him about it - but you know what? I would definitely wait to tell him after the first time you meet him. Like, just to make sure once you DO meet him that there is still chemistry and you still like his personality because sometimes people can be different than what you are thinking.


Well-known member
I would personally just play it off like Jeorge didn't know what he was talking about, then let the relationship just develop as if you guys were friends. Then again, I'm the kind of person who will fall madly in love with someone and not tell them at all, unless they signal to me first in a very obvious way by saying "I like you".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Give me Jorge's address - I took kickboxing! HA! jk.

Yeah...don't you hate when people blabber about you liking someone when it isn't their place to do so. Do you know WHY Jorge did it? That would help out a lot - if it were because Benga likes you, too, etc.

Go for it girl! You've just gotta find the most comfortable way to talk to him about it - but you know what? I would definitely wait to tell him after the first time you meet him. Like, just to make sure once you DO meet him that there is still chemistry and you still like his personality because sometimes people can be different than what you are thinking.

youre right.
no i dont know why jorge said it because i NEVER told him that I liked Benga. So I mean, technicially he lied to him because I never told him so he doesn't knwo if it's true or not. He also said some other weird sh*t. He won't confess to it so I can't find out why he did it! HE says Benga never said anythign to him either. I think I might wait. I'm not sure, we'll see once I have those drinks hahaha jkjk.But yeh, you're right his personality CAN be different.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
I would personally just play it off like Jeorge didn't know what he was talking about, then let the relationship just develop as if you guys were friends. Then again, I'm the kind of person who will fall madly in love with someone and not tell them at all, unless they signal to me first in a very obvious way by saying "I like you".

thanks. thats also a good idea.
im the same as you girl! id ot he EXACT same! but i was trying ot figure out this stuff but i just give up.

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