Opinions on this dress for a wedding reception please


Well-known member
I would be grateful of any opinions on whether this is too mych to wear for an evening wedding reception.
Also what colour lippie to wear with it.

I am going to wear pink couture on my eyes topped with pink like paris, with anti establishment, and dark soul at the outer corner, and smudged under the eye- how does that sound?



Well-known member
I think that dress would be just fine for the reception.

Maybe with the eye colors you're mentioning, you could go for something neutral on the lip - VGV lipglass maybe?


Well-known member
Are you going to wear a shawl or other cover-up? I'm a bit on the "proper" side when it comes to weddings. If it's an evening wedding I personally would recommend a cover-up for the top, being that it has spaghetti straps. JMHO though


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jessica
Are you going to wear a shawl or other cover-up? I'm a bit on the "proper" side when it comes to weddings. If it's an evening wedding I personally would recommend a cover-up for the top, being that it has spaghetti straps. JMHO though

Hi, It isn't an evening wedding, it is a post wedding party

I will be wearing a sheer black cardigan over it though.

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