Originals Contest and the Voting being reset and yeah...


Well-known member
MAC replied to my letter concerning the contest, the reply can be found here:

I don't know whether this should go here or maybe just in the Chatter forum..if you want it in another forum, please feel free to move it.

I'm going to copy & paste my rant and what not from my entry about this on the MAC Community LJ.
If you guys want to read the actual post and the replies to it from everyone else there. This is the post:
mac_cosmetics: Originals Contest...

We're all bitter over there about some things and the originals contest.. lol.

Originals Contest...
Have you guys noticed they changed the whole voting thing on the originals contest..

It now says..

Contest Notice
Through the monitoring of votes for this contest, we have identified duplicate votes. Votes have been reset to eliminate duplicate votes. As a reminder the voting rules are: customers must be signed into their MAC Cosmetics online account; each customer can only vote once per day; and each customer can only vote for each entry once.

You can only vote once for each entry (now). boo! lol. Before, you could vote for an entry once a day..but not anymore..

Oh well..

Speaking of which..if anyone wants to vote for me....

ME ME ME ME ME!!! woo

they supposedly "reset" the votes, but the one girl with NO VISIBLE MAKEUP is still winning.
What a load of crap.
How did she even get approved?!

We should all write to MAC's customer service about the #1 entry in the contest..because after reading the replies I've gotten to this entry so far, most of you are NOT HAPPY that someone with no VISIBLE makeup is winning. Hello?! It's a make up company..why would you submit an entry where you can't even see the MAKE UP you're wearing(if this person is even wearing any at all) in it.

edit(lol) again:

some of you guys have told me that you're still voting for the same people you've been voting for all along and having it say that you "voted".. yeah I noticed that you could still vote for the same person once a day or whatever..but I also noticed that when you DID vote for that person the # wasn't changing..so you think you're voting, but you're really not.

I WROTE MAC'S CUSTOMER SERVICE, using the website's form located here:

and this is what I said...

I'm writing this "letter" of sorts concerning the ORIGINALS contest that you are currently holding.
A bunch of members of an online MAC Cosmetics community and I believe that the #1 entry to the contest should not even be in the contest. We all think that if it's a make up company that's holding a contest where you have to show that you're original, then your entry should SHOW that you are original, especially with your MAKEUP. It is a contest to win all kinds of mac COSMETIC goodies..and I think anyone who is worthy of winning that prize should be able to SHOW that she wears make up..and is original about it. The #1 entry does not have any VISIBLE MAKEUP SHOWING..and she's still #1? I don't get it and neither does anyone I've talked to about the contest.
We all believe that all of the votes should be RESET to ZERO and let someone who is actually wearing (original) MAKE UP actually win.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


soooooo yeah...
what are your thoughts on this? lol.


Well-known member
I've been following the contest over at MUA as well. I think this is becoming a Public relations disaster for MAC. Little did they realize, by making this a popular vote based contest, that it would bring out the worst in people. I don't doubt people are using bots or fake email addys to pump up their votes. I also don't doubt that MAC's IT people running the contest web site aren't sophisticated enough to figure that out. As I said at MUA, you know something is horribly wrong with the fairness of this contest when Miss No Makeup of No Makeupland is ahead of someone like this, which is truly stunning work.

By the way, I have no entries or anyone that I know in the contest. It just ruffles my feathers to see so much blatant fudging around the rules just for free makeup. Sheesh, get a life you fudgers!

ETA: I almost forgot, I sent them the following letter several weeks ago:

MAC Special Promotions Department,

I am a member of Makeup alley, the largest Internet message board
dedicated to all things beauty-related. Lately there has been much buzz
about your Originals contest, but unfortunately probably not the kind your
company would want. People are noticing that there are several issues
with the contest. First, there is the general perception that no talent
is required, indeed not even any makeup, judging by one of the current
top vote getters. That defeats the point of it being a MAC contest,
doesn't it? Secondly, several people currently have thousands of votes,
with to be charitable, not very laudable photo entries. Someone on board
mentioned roving ISPs as a way in which entrants can easily votes many
hundred of times a day for themselves, which is obviously what they
have done. This is not generating much warmth among honest MAC fans for
this contest or the general perception of MAC among board members. In
fact I would say it is leaving a bad taste in everyones mouth.

I am sending this as a bit of a heads up, so that maybe it can still be
fixed. It was a great idea and it's unfortunate that there are such
sad individuals that make stricter guidelines for such an event
necessary. Also to clarify, I am not an entrant nor will I be. I am just a MAC
customer who hates seeing such bad feelings generated towards such a
wonderful idea.

If you are interested in what is going on, I would be more than pleased
to send you some of the conversations regarding this issue on Makeup

Best regards,


This was their response:

Hello XXXX:

Thank you for taking the time to email us at M·A·C Cosmetics Online.

Thank you for your comments regarding the "ARE YOU A M·A·C ORIGINAL?"

We appreciate the opportunity to explain that the rules of the contest
prohibit multiple entries on any single day from being submitted by the
same person. The contest rules also disallow voting more than once
for the same entry by the same person. Through these rules and a series
of systemic checks that are performed for votes and entries, we are
able to ensure that no abuse of the contest can take place. Please be
assured that all entrants must strictly adhere to contest rules and
guidelines and entries or votes submitted that do not meet the
rules/guidelines will be disqualified. We are monitoring the contest submissions on
a continual basis to be sure it meets the requirements set forth in the

Thank you for your interest in the "ARE YOU A M·A·C ORIGINAL?"
Contest. If we can be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to
let us know.

Best regards,

/end of message.

yeah, right.

ETA II: About a week after I, and I'm sure others, sent my email to MAC they put the new rule modifications on the contest main page. Snort, one cannot be cynical enough sometimes.


Well-known member
OMG I've never seen that entry..that is insanely awesome!! lol.

but than again there's a million entries..and half of them are HORRIBLE..why did they even APPROVE the bad ones?
there's a lot of photoshopped entries too..uhm..that's not original..that's FAKE. lol.

I'm in the contest, and I try to be "original" when I do my makeup..and I think that my uh "summary" or whatever is a pretty good "reason" or whatever you may for considering myself to be original...am i making any sense at all?


Well-known member
Yeah, I ranted about being frustrated by this same thing myself. On top of that, everytime I tried to log in and vote (for myself...selfish, I know, but I wanted that prize dammit!!) it said I couldn't!! Even if I waited more than 24 hours, I would still get a message saying I could only vote once per day. Excuse me, but there are not 36 hours in a day!


Well-known member
Well I think its fine to have one vote per day, no issue there. But
A) Let it freaking work--there was several days where I went every day, logged in to vote, and it came up with an error saying only one vote per day. Yea I know that and voted over 24 hours ago so I thought I was safe. Needless to say I've stopped checking it out and voting, the whole thing pisses me off
B) I should be able to use my one vote per day and the same person if I want to. If I know someone or just really like the makeup and think he/she should win, then I should be able to.

The possibility of bots and whatever sneaky things pisses me off too, I'm not even entered or know anyone personally. The thing just frustrated me that I've turned my nose to it.


Well-known member
I would really like to know what the girl with no make up thinks of all this drama she's causing. I agree with everyone else, though. And, *DEAD* at listing 3 favorite items and she's not wearing any of them.


Well-known member
I was expecting in Miss No Makeup's entry, that one of her favorite products is MAC Set powder in Invisible.


Well-known member
First off, I think its kind of dumb that you can't vote for the same person more than once. if you have one person you'd like to see win, then you should be able to log in and vote for them once a day. Why would you log in the next day to vote for someone else?

Secondly, I agree with that girl who's first. She may be wearing makeup, it doesn't matter. I don't think she should win, thats for sure. But then again, you could say that about a lot of the contestants. I see some of the other most popular contestants and ask "whats so special about their makeup" Some of the people are very artistic and look awesome, but there are others that look A) like they aren't wearing anything B) a hot mess and C) like your average girl

Which theres nothing wrong with i guess. I just wouldn't even get mad at the contest. Its going to be a popularity contest. You are asking people (friends or not) to vote for you. Half of the people aren't voting because "wow their makeup is great", they're voting because the person is posting it all over myspace or because the person is their friend. personally, I didn't think the public was going to vote. I thought MAC was. Which would've made it sooooo much better IMO.

Good luck to you guys!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I would really like to know what the girl with no make up thinks of all this drama she's causing. I agree with everyone else, though. And, *DEAD* at listing 3 favorite items and she's not wearing any of them.

Originally Posted by SMMY
I was expecting in Miss No Makeup's entry, that one of her favorite products is MAC Set powder in Invisible.

you guys are killin me!


Well-known member
MAC should've determined the 'Original', especially if, when you wear more than 3 eyeshadows, lipstick, and blush, the general public thinks you've gone overboard with your makeup.


Well-known member
It's sad that it's been reduced down to just another popularity contest on the Internet, when it could have so much more. People might have gotten really creative and put some effort into it, if there was judging based on the entry and not how many people you know on the Internet. Some people have obviously put a great deal of effort and thought into their entries and it is sad that they won't get acknowledged for their hard work.

I hate to say it, but Stila did a better job of their "Stila Girl of the Month" contest. They actually judge the entries themselves and the winner is chosen both on the image they send in and their written response as to why they should be chosen. Makes a lot more sense than this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I was expecting in Miss No Makeup's entry, that one of her favorite products is MAC Set powder in Invisible.

Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I would really like to know what the girl with no make up thinks of all this drama she's causing. I agree with everyone else, though. And, *DEAD* at listing 3 favorite items and she's not wearing any of them.

yah that no makeup girl has been irritating me for a while...I really hope she doesn't win because I mean this girl could have no makeup talent what so ever and if she does shes def. not showing it and I'm pretty sure that someone who is really good at makeup would want MAC to see that...so yah I doubt she does and it sucks for the people who do have true talent that might lose to someone who doesn't

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
unless mac knows something we dont like that she looks like an alien with 4 heads and the makeup improved her so much to look like my foot or something, then its absolutely unfair to all the other people who
have entered their best pictures depicting their talent and work. if youre gonna submit a b&w picture that looks like you rolled outta bed, i should have sent in a picture on my toe and sent it in or something.

move out of the way let someone deserving win this.


Well-known member
<rant on>

some of you need to seriously wake up and listen to what you are saying. i can't believe i'm hearing (reading?) some of the things that are coming out in this thread.

1. MAC is perfectly within their rights to ensure you can't vote for the one entry multiple times. This is normal for login-based website comps - purely to stop a bot/desperate entrant using the one login to vote for themselves as much as possible.

2. Just because you don't like how someone else has done their makeup for this contest doesn't mean that they have no right to be in it or that their entry "should not have been approved". Everyone has different tastes. Your makeup might seem stupid and excessive to them. There is no mention in the rules that you have to be wearing makeup.

3. If that winning chick really isn't wearing any makeup - then that is original, given that most of the other entrants to the contest are wearing a lot of it. Repeat: There is no mention in the rules that you have to be wearing makeup.
Think about it. Original. Doing it your own way. Surely her entry fits? I think it does.

4. just because you think someone is ugly doesn't mean they don't have a right to be in the competition. What makes you the judge? Different people have different perceptions of beauty.

I don't know what it is about these internet competitions. They always turn into nasty slinging matches and claims of "unfair". To be honest, if you don't like the way someone else is running a contest, then don't enter. No one is forcing anyone to enter these things.

</rant off>


Well-known member
Just my own two cents: I totally agree with the whole MAC makeup artists determining the winner rather than the popularity vote. It's obvious that things like this girl who is in the lead is getting the whole "what the crap" attitude from the rest of us who want to see someone win who is wearing noticeable makeup. But that doesn't mean she's not wearing makeup in that photo? I dunno. I'm starting to think though that we're kind of hopping on the bandwagon to sling crap at her because it's not blatantly obvious that she's wearing any makeup.

That being said, my own -personal- opinion is that she isn't wearing any makeup but I could be wrong. Do I think she deserves to win? Not necessarily. It's hard to judge something like this for me frankly :/ Too bad there can't be youtube video contest entries instead - that would be interesting


Well-known member
There's all kinds of PHOTOSHOPPED entries too.
That's not original, that's fake.
I think obvious photoshopped images shouldn't be accepted into the "contest" either..but they are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I was expecting in Miss No Makeup's entry, that one of her favorite products is MAC Set powder in Invisible.



Well-known member
I guess I don't really care about the girl who's wearing makeup. My biggest problem with this is that if I want to use my one vote for the same person every day, then I should be able to. Second, if I only get one vote per day...who cares whether it's been 1 hour or 23 hours since I last voted. The voting metric should be based on a calendar day, not hours, so that if a person logs in each day to vote it counts.

And I really never thought of MAC as being a company that would sponser a popularity contest, so I agree with others that say they should use Artists to judge based on the photo entries and answers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
<rant on>

some of you need to seriously wake up and listen to what you are saying. i can't believe i'm hearing (reading?) some of the things that are coming out in this thread.

1. MAC is perfectly within their rights to ensure you can't vote for the one entry multiple times.

2. Just because you don't like how someone else has done their makeup for this contest doesn't mean that they have no right to be in it or that their entry "should not have been approved". Everyone has different tastes. Your makeup might seem stupid and excessive to them. There is no mention in the rules that you have to be wearing makeup.

3. If that winning chick really isn't wearing any makeup - then that is original, given that most of the other entrants to the contest are wearing a lot of it. Repeat: There is no mention in the rules that you have to be wearing makeup.
Think about it. Original. Doing it your own way. Surely her entry fits? I think it does.

4. just because you think someone is ugly doesn't mean they don't have a right to be in the competition. What makes you the judge? Different people have different perceptions of beauty.

</rant off>

thank you.