Other cosmetics forums


Well-known member
What other forums do you frequent, if any? What do you like about them/not like about them?

I go to MUA at times, but I truly prefer Specktra- I feel like the people here are nicer, there's too much drama over there. There are exceptions of course, I've met some true sweethearts at Makeup Alley, but on the whole, the tone there is not as friendly or welcoming.


Well-known member
I like the myspace MU groups, but haven't been on them as much since I've found specktra.


Well-known member
None, zero, zilch. Specktra is it for me, baby! I love it here and the overall feeling is very warm and welcoming. Plus the staff are incredible and very helpful!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aquarius11
I love it here and the overall feeling is very warm and welcoming. Plus the staff are incredible and very helpful!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady_MAC
I like the myspace MU groups, but haven't been on them as much since I've found specktra.

same here. i also like LJ


Well-known member
Basically its just here and MUA for me as far as cosmetics sites-I have other sites I visit for other things. I like both sites but I am more used to MUA as I've been a member there for ages.


Well-known member
Here and Vogue Australia. I post over there to drum up business, whereas here I'm all about the chit-chat.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Here and here alone.

This place is soooooo welcoming and no one ever has a problem helping someone try to look as good as them! There is very little cattiness (from what I have seen anyway), which is sort of suprising because this board is female dominated.

I love it here!


Well-known member
Mostly Specktra.

I know this is evil, but I love to pop over to MUA when I am feeling randy. That crowd is so explosive, they get all bent out of shape over anything. It's hilarious to say something and get someone in a little piss party over something so insignificant.

LOL... I am a horrible, horrible person!!

My heart belongs to Specktra. Much sweeter here.


Well-known member
I'm pretty much only on Specktra. I only ever hit up live journal or MUA when somebody posts a link. In fact, that is the only reason I joined those sites, to get access to some of the pictures people post. I'm afraid they are stuck with me here for life


Well-known member
Unfortunately-I never visit specktra for all of my makeup and MAC needs or even to just hang out and post. I would much rather go to makeup forums such as...MUA where I also do not visit them that often. :p
Sorry had to tease ya ladies
Gotta love Specktra !


Well-known member
guys thank u sooo mucch for all the nice things u have said about the forum! that really means a lot to us


Well-known member
I just joined Specktra... and I've never belonged to another makeup group except I did lurk around an LJ one which is how I got here..

anyway, I am seriously blown away by how drama-free this place is... it's amazing. I've been part of other online communities and message boards and the drama has always become ridiculous. Everyone here is SO friendly! Specktras it for me!


Well-known member
Juneplum, Janice, (and the other admins)-

Of COURSE we love this place! It's well-organized, the members are absolute sweethearts, it's so much fun! And you all do a wonderful job!



Well-known member
Ummm...I check out MUA once in a while, not frequent at all. I have tried LJ but I couldn't figure out where I was or where I was trying to get.


Well-known member
it's soo cool to read all of your messages!!! I really love specktra too, and it really goes beyond make-up, I've met some amazing friends here!!!
specktra rocks!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stillsoawesome
the drama has always become ridiculous.

We all put on a tiara now and again =P

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