Other cosmetics forums


Well-known member
specktra IS the site for me. i've never been to any groups, blogs, or forums before and when i found this site, i'm hooked! thru this site, i've learned LJ & MUA and i went to look around but i much prefer the outline of the threads and overall sense of community here. i love it here & i actually look forward to sitting in front of my comp instead of the tv each day!!!


Well-known member
i am a loyal specktra-ite...
i've tried to use MUA but, it's not very user-friendly.. i just don't like the whole site design. myspace mac groups are ok... but the girls are quite catty and CANNOT take criticism well at all... same with lj. i dismissed myself from lj after i was called an idiot by a couple of 15 and 16 year olds....


Well-known member
you know, i got here completely by mistake due to some ridiculousness with eBay scams and now i'm completely obsessed. best forum i have ever belonged to, hands down.

i don't even glance at other mu boards and i only go to LJ when someone links to it, even though i am on that for other personal and fandom-related things all the time too.

this board is just so well organised, full of beautiful, helpful people, and ...has a lovely layout!


Well-known member
LOL...I was laughing and nodding my head at some other comments that MUA, LJ, etc. is NOT user-friendly-So true...so true!! I go on MUA to post in the Diary section, so I can keep track of my purchases..but that's about it! It gives me a headache to try to read some of the postings on there...and when I do, it's like:whattha: ...They're ALL one-sentence responses!!!

Now, I know I'm long-winded on responses (like this one, lol), and that all some posts do require is a one-sentence-answer...but c'mon...ALL OF THEM????!!!!!! It's like...okayyyyy...I always end up asking myself "Do any of these girls have the brain-power to elicit more than a three-word response over and over again?"

I find same is true for some of those "other communities"...the layout and organization is just terrible with most of them...If I ever go to one of them, I'll read like maybe one or two posts, and then I cannot take it any longer!

Specktra is organized, and easy to navigate. The layout is just wonderful! Not to mention if I have any kind of a prob., it's always taken care of right away. The staff is friendly and always willing to help, and what's more; they won't tolerate any blatant nastiness or rudeness...It seems like some people just thrive on trying to hurt others' feelings..and Specktra staff doesn't tolerate that, whereas some communities do. Also, the fellow members (I've noticed) tend to be more mature (I don't mean in years...just attitude) and overall, MUCH nicer, happier people than on other places.

Thank you all so much for making this a great place to spend my free time!


Well-known member
^ wow. thank you SO much for that
we really strive to make sure the forum is exactly like you said! drama free, minus the cattiness and rudeness i've seen on other boards. just a place where everyone can speak freely and learn from each other MINUS unnecessary bitchiness and non constructive criticism.

i've never understood why some people feel the need to belittle someone to get their point across or verbally attack a member because they have asked a question that some self important person feels is dumb?? :confused: there's absolutely no need for that and like u said, we have ZERO tolerance for it.... none of us started out applying makeup perfectly with deftlike precision, and it's unfortunate that some people forget that they were new once and just needed some encouragement and help to perfect their skills

it really means a lot to us that you all feel comfortable here and enjoy the board as much as we do. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I visit lj and mua pretty much just to swap or sell stuff... I never really go on the boards for anything. And I like the product review section of mua because hey cover alot of products. But as far as communities go this is the only one I come to daily. I dont really care for the others and it just seems like evry one just wants to be better than everyone else on the other sites... So its specktra for me


Well-known member
Just specktra and occasionally the myspace boards.
I've never checked any other sites to much b/c they all seem so overwhelming. Specktra is friendly and easy to browse through.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
i am a loyal specktra-ite...
i've tried to use MUA but, it's not very user-friendly.. i just don't like the whole site design. myspace mac groups are ok... but the girls are quite catty and CANNOT take criticism well at all... same with lj. i dismissed myself from lj after i was called an idiot by a couple of 15 and 16 year olds....

i posted this yesterday and actually decided, what the hay? i'll give swapping on mua a try. and i cannot believe the responses i got for a lot of low-end stuff i have and even clothes! WOOT! now hopefully i don't get swaplifted. but i should be receiving a thundereyes quad, 2 MAC eyeshadows a Milani e/s and a Comptoir decant. but specktra's still better! LOL!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine

I find same is true for some of those "other communities"...the layout and organization is just terrible with most of them...If I ever go to one of them, I'll read like maybe one or two posts, and then I cannot take it any longer!

LMAO! You're so right. I've tried to read MUA's message boards and I feel like pulling my hair out 5 minutes into it. So not organized!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
i posted this yesterday and actually decided, what the hay? i'll give swapping on mua a try. and i cannot believe the responses i got for a lot of low-end stuff i have and even clothes! WOOT! now hopefully i don't get swaplifted. but i should be receiving a thundereyes quad, 2 MAC eyeshadows a Milani e/s and a Comptoir decant. but specktra's still better! LOL!

make sure you ckeck out the swaptalk forums to steer clear of possible swaplifters


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
i am a loyal specktra-ite...
i've tried to use MUA but, it's not very user-friendly.. i just don't like the whole site design.


I've been on MUA since 2003ish but logged on rarely to "conversate" with others. I do however use their diary often and read user reviews on a wide range of cosmetics items but rely soley on Specktra for in-depth coverage of MAC items, FOTD's, and socializing via forums. I think MUA lacks a TON forum-wise IMHO.

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