^ wow. thank you SO much for that
we really strive to make sure the forum is exactly like you said! drama free, minus the cattiness and rudeness i've seen on other boards. just a place where everyone can speak freely and learn from each other MINUS unnecessary bitchiness and non constructive criticism.
i've never understood why some people feel the need to belittle someone to get their point across or verbally attack a member because they have asked a question that some self important person feels is dumb??

there's absolutely no need for that and like u said, we have ZERO tolerance for it.... none of us started out applying makeup perfectly with deftlike precision, and it's unfortunate that some people forget that they were new once and just needed some encouragement and help to perfect their skills
it really means a lot to us that you all feel comfortable here and enjoy the board as much as we do. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!