Ouija board


Well-known member
thanks though, i'll have to check it out later..

i never really read this thread until today. i am dying to hear the lizard princess story of the lizard king


Well-known member
Haha, same. Hope I don't get spooked out, I already am a little after reading some of these stories lol

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
Something similar has happened to my Aunt twice already...not involving the Ouija board though. It happened to her once in the house my great Grandma died in and again about 15 years later in her own house. She didn't get thrown though, she just saw a black figure above her kind of holding her down and she couldn't breathe or talk, and she said it felt like forever.

The first time, her baby son was in the room and she heard him screaming & crying, and when she opened her eyes he was pointing at something and when she looked it was the figure.

I'm not really sure what it means, and she didn't want to talk much about it so we all just left it alone. But now that it happened again to her I think she is kind of worried but she won't admit to it.

Oh my thats scary i'v heard very similiar stories like that of ur aunt. Tell her if that ever happens to her again 2 yell/think/mumble the name of JESUS CHRIST and i promise that feeling or bad spirit will go away. Don't know if ur aunt is religious but if i had that stuff happen 2 me i'd try anything!


Well-known member
I've never used one before and have no intentions on ever touching one. I've heard way too many frightening experiences and stories from so many people to be convinced its not something to be messed with. My mom whose not too superstitious really even warned me against getting into things of this sort when I was younger.

One of my friends is into the supernatural and once wanted to (still don't know if she still wants to) play with one. I tried convincing her how much of a BAD idea it was to, so I ended up doing some research on ouija boards. I came across a website where it had some of the "rules" of playing the ouija board. Like theres suppose to be a way you have to start and end the session, and to not ask any questions of like when will this person die or whatever. And also to NEVER EVER give any spirit your talking to on there permission to pass over to our world. It's basically a portal in a way for bad spirits to try to cross over to our world, and most of the time even if it seems like you've contacted a benevelont spirit its most likely an evil one trying to trick you into thinking its a good one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glassy girl
Oh my thats scary i'v heard very similiar stories like that of ur aunt. Tell her if that ever happens to her again 2 yell/think/mumble the name of JESUS CHRIST and i promise that feeling or bad spirit will go away. Don't know if ur aunt is religious but if i had that stuff happen 2 me i'd try anything!

I've also heard similiar stories of that sort where the person would say the name of Jesus Christ or saying a prayer and the spirit would disappear. I actually had a weird dream not too long ago, the kind that you get shortly after you fall asleep. I was home alone that day and the weather outside was pretty gloomy and dim which resulted in the house having the same look too. And in the dream i had the covers over my head (and also in real life). But I could feel something creep into my room and hover over the side of my bed right where my head was resting at and try to touch me. I actually had an experience for real similiar to this in my old house but I'm pretty positive that that experience REALLY did happen as something in that house was always a bit off. Anyways, I tried speaking but couldn't because like I said i've heard of evil spirits disappearing after saying Jesus Christ or a prayer. But I for some reason just couldn't even speak in my mind either if that makes any sense. I ended up waking up though and everything was fine. The whole dream was just weird. I'm pretty sure its the result of a super over active imagination combined with watching wayyy too many episodes of those supernatural investigation shows on tv. It just goes to show what the power of suggestion and imagination can come up with sometimes.


Well-known member
Weird...I just posted twice on here and its not showing up. One of my posts from another thread isn't showing up. Kind of creepy after reading the things in this thread lol. Hopefully its just a glitch!


Well-known member
I tried to post in here and it won't show up.. o_O

Oh yh sure...but THIS does...typical..


Well-known member
omg I posted 3 times in here already but they've...gone O_O


an now one just re-appeared...how strange


Well-known member
I've played almost everyday when I was younger...it was REALLY addicting..
I would never recommend anyone play though. It seems like all fun and games at first and then it spirals into some extremely creepy shit
blech I don't even like talking about it


Well-known member
I'm really intrested in this kind of thing, but am not 100% sure i believe.
I used to play a lot when i was in elementary school. One day i was at my friend's place, there was about 5 of us, and her parents were having a dinner party upstaires. We were all huddled around this board in the basement, playing for what felt like hours. Everything was fine, and someone could have easily been pushing, but something weird kept happening. Usually the "spirit" would answer quickly, but about 30-40 seconds before the phone would ring, the pointer would stay completly still. About 30-40 seconds after who ever got off the phone, it would start up again where it left off.
that was pretty weird.


Well-known member
I love hearing/ reading these kinds of stories.

I dont actually believe in an afterlife or the paranormal, I think life is something of a calamity anyway (a bad way of looking at it, i know) and i believe something when it has at least some scientific proof to support it.

Science explains how, not why
It still doesnt stop those strange feelings you get when something happens that cannot be fully explained.

Intuition for instance, cannot be scientifically explained but many people can argue its there, a survival sensor - animals have it, and i think they use a combination of senses to form it.
For instance, one day while getting into my mums car i just had this horrible feeling. For some reason i felt unsafe sat in the car, normally i dont and i wasnt in any paranoid mood. Surely enough, were driving down a motor way and we crash.

Fortunately no one was hurt, but it was weird, i knew it was unsafe as soon as we sat in it. I havent felt like that again and there hasnt been any crashes since either, it was just that one time.

Another weird thing is, everytime i walk past my mums car (on an evening) on the headrest of the front passanger seat, the light reflects off the window and onto the headrest in such a way that i keep thinking im seeing a distressed persons face pressed up against the window. Its just the light but it never fails to creep the hell out of me and make me look twice just in case it is someone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennyfee
I don't know how I would describe my religion... I'm tempted to say I'm an atheist as I don't believe in God, or other religions, but at the same time I believe in spirituality....

Your agnostic then
Im atheist, i really dont believe in an afterlife, i think it contradicts the whole purpose of living.


Well-known member
I played with a Ouija board for many years. I have had some things happen that were weird, but nothing bad. I played once with a very good friend that I trusted very much. After a few really eerie experiences, we decided to make sure we were both not pushing. One of us would close our eyes while the other would keep theirs open to read what was said. The one who had their eyes closed would ask a question that the other person would not know. Say for instance, I asked what my late grandfather's middle name was, and it started spelling something REALLY close...and his middle name was not common-Henson. When she started reading out the letters...I couldn't believe it. Same thing happened on her end too. My friends and I usually just talked to what we thought were family members so I never felt afraid...excited yes, but not freaked out.

I did however have one annoying thing happen, but this "whatever it was" just talked a lot of shit about the girls that lived in my dorm so it was probably my roommate at the time pushing. lol

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