over 4000 new fake listings on AU ebay...wtf???


Well-known member
just have a look at this - I CANNOT believe they get away with this shit -


These listings belong to 3 sellers in particular - all in China or HK, methinks it may be the same person using different accounts.... I have reported them of course, but crikey... 4000 listings......


Well-known member
Flippin hell that's insane !

Things like this put me off buying MAC of Ebay I'd rather get in from the store knowing it's 100% authentic.

If a buyer is bidding on items like these then more fool them like others have said before if it sounds too good to be true then it usually is.

For the sake of saving a few pounds, dollars, etc is it really worth the risk especially when p+p is included it can work out the same as if you went instore.


Well-known member
There are also flippin'... people bidding on those rubbish. :/

Also, now its easier for those fakers to shill bid. Bast@rds.


Well-known member
=\ damn that's a lot of fakes..

it's becoming way too hard to tell from what information can be gained from ebay alone, since the fakes are getting better all the time. Honestly... I no longer have the confidence to buy MAC anywhere outside of specktra and the mac counter!

The only things I would buy off ebay now would be the LE items with distinctly different packaging etc like Fafi... (and still MSFs for the time being)...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~Crystal~
it's becoming way too hard to tell from what information can be gained from ebay alone, since the fakes are getting better all the time. Honestly... I no longer have the confidence to buy MAC anywhere outside of specktra and the mac counter!

No kidding!! I used to buy quite a bit off e-bay, but now I'm really wary. I did get one fake item, but the seller herself was duped and she gave me a full refund, no questions asked. I'll bet there's close to that many listings on the US side, too. I'm sure these same sellers have multiple usernames on a bunch of the different e-bay sites.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
just have a look at this - I CANNOT believe they get away with this shit -


These listings belong to 3 sellers in particular - all in China or HK, methinks it may be the same person using different accounts.... I have reported them of course, but crikey... 4000 listings......

I'm fuming! I'm a UK seller and I haven't been even able to amend the P&P on my listings let alone list any new items let alone in that quantitiy. I've just emailed Ebay yet again about the UK restrictions - I'm not happy!


Well-known member
did anyone read the return policy? it says " We will refund the full payment to you only the item you received is not different with the description."

g-uh? so they won't do refund unless it's authentic?


Well-known member
This is the email I've had about UK restrictions
Now why does this not seem to apply to the rest of the world or am I taking it too personally?

One of our new initiatives limits the amount of items reportedly most
favoured by counterfeiters that a seller can list in a given period of
time. The site will only allow each individual seller to list a certain
number of these items before placing a restriction on the seller's
account. If your account is restricted from listing further items, you
won't be able to revise your listings as the site will view the revised
listing as a new listing and block it.

There are also certain items that are further restricted. If you
inadvertently try to list a restricted item, an error message with
further information will pop up to let you know which restriction is
being breached. I'm afraid we don't share any further information about
specific restrictions. By revealing this information we could help
members intent on circumventing these initiatives to avoid detection.

For more information about our "Building Trust by Reducing Counterfeits"
initiative, please copy this link into a new browser window:


Please understand that these initiatives are designed to protect all of
our members from fraud and counterfeits. We appreciate your
understanding and cooperation.

I realise that this may not be the answer that you'd anticipated, but I
hope that this information helps to clarify our position for you.

Kind regards,

eBay Trust & Safety


Well-known member
This is a canned/scripted message..... My friend who used to sell on ebay got one identical to this - so much for service eh....???


Well-known member
eBay is such a crock, i swear! i like how they've tightened down on sellers but they let this many fake items fall through the cracks when they are OBVIOUSLY fake! Plus is it just me or is it absolutely annoying to have to weed through these fake products to find the real auctions? Like 90% of the listings are these fake sets of e/s or pigments! ARRGGG.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacylynne
I buy from MAC direct to avoid this prob. You can shop @ a store or online.

Older LE items cannot be found at MAC - thats what ebay is good for. AU MAC dont have GBNF and there are NO CCOs here either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin
What does GBNF stand for?

"Gone But Not Forgotten" You can call MAC and have them search for older items but there are limitations and such.

That is an INSANE number of fakes, I think my mouth literally dropped clicking on this. Gah, who knows what those things are made of...