palettes or full sized products?


Active member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but i had a really quick question im hoping you ladies could answer?
Right now NYX cosmetics is having a really great sale and they are selling a lot of 60 lipsticks for $48. Great price right?
so i start looking at their other products and i found a really great lip palette with 96 lip colors for $25.

Im currently building my freelance kit so i guess my question for all you mua's is do you prefer palettes or full sized products for your kits?

bad girl glam

Well-known member
the palettes are easy to carry around, but how big is the size of the lip colors? if they are really small then i would get the lipsticks for $48. you can create your own lip palette by getting a case, melting and smashing your lip colors in them. i think the full lipsticks are the better deal. i am still building my freelancing kit as well.

off topic, i have a lot of stuff, but you can never have enough! when i went to my first gig, i wish i had a face net for the model, so she wouldn't mess or smear her makeup on the clothing.