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pandamonium tutorial!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rosquared
i was gonna ask that too! i also didn't see margin, and i swear i was paying attention. lol.

and you look gorgeous by the way. thanks so much for sharing.. your tuts always make me want to go home and play with makeup!!

hahaha I have no idea why I labled margin up there. lol!! I guess I wasn't paying attention
but yea, I didn't use margin, sorry guys!!


Well-known member
Oh My God, You've done tutorial for the look. yahoooooo .
Great tutorial with each single step. Thank you so much:loveya: .


Well-known member
Okay, so we always see you with makeup on.....now, you mean to tell me you are STILL that beautiful without makeup on???!!!! Not fair at all! Thanks for doing this. Great tut.


Well-known member
are you kidding me!! hahahaha... in the first pic of me, im wearing my face MU. without it, I look dead! lol!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzreyes
you're welcome! I think theres too many pics though. lol!

I liked very much they way you described everything specially open and close eyes. It's very helpful for me to get the look because with those pictures excatlly i will know, what i am doing.

I didn't know anything about makeup but from that website I've learnt a lot. Everyone is very helpful. I appreciate. Still i need practice. Today i learnt some new tricks

Thanks a lot for the best tutorial. It's very helpful for beginner like me.........