Originally Posted by Raerae
Kinda off topic, kinda not, but this discussion reminds me of the parents who dont want their daughters vaccinated for HPV because it's a STD. Their daughters would never have sex! So they obviously dont need it.
I plan on having my daughters vaccinated against HPV, but I believe there is a large difference between an innoculation and a surgical procedure.
Yeah, I know the article was about female circumcision, but I was actually looking something else up. I was curious as to what claims are made pertaining to female circumcisions and STDs. Just a random tangent, really. I just happened to come across the blurb on male circumcision and found it interesting.
There are tons more articles out there questioning the STD/circ thing, but like your cat, I lose all kinds of things when my kids start banging on the computer.
You're right, empirical evidence can show that in countries where the circ rate is low, the STD infection rate is high, but you have to also factor in that circ rates are high (and infections rates are lower) in countries where there are better sex ed programs. I don't think you can separate the two, KWIM? As in statistically.
I haven't had unprotected sex with anyone besides my husband. It might just be because I'm one of those people that is terrified that I'm going to be "The One" that something bad happens too. Probably the same reason that I haven't done drugs nor do I drink. Maybe its just because I was scared shitless that my parents would find out if I did something bad and the consequences were enough to keep me too afraid to do anything LOL
I didn't even have unprotected sex with my ex-bfs AFTER their STD tests came back negative. Guess I'm just uber-paranoid. But then, I've never had any scares, so I guess it kept my peace of mind, you know?
Sure, I want my children protected, but honestly, I draw the line at circumcision. That's just my personal stopping point.