Paris Hilton 1997 to 2006


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Oh a code word.... Right :roll:

And who is our reputible source on this little tidbit?

So now making up words that aren't real words for other races (assuming it's for another race) is racist? When does it end?

She's a racist. But because she's female noone is blasting her for it. Nobody can use the excuse "she was drubk when she said these things" when you are drunk the "true" you comes out. All your inhibitions are gone. She just needs to face a group of "lolas" and say that shit to their face.


Well-known member
By that defenition everyone is racist. As I doubt there is a person alive who hasn't used someone's race in some sort of profanity at some point in their life.

I think it takes more than just saying an overexposed word to be a racist. Especially if that "race" of person is in front of you. Since chance are your just saying words to be hurtful.

Using two celeb examples...

I think the Mel Gibson episode was racist, or anti-sematic or anti-jew or whatever. Because there were no Jews present at the time. By specifically blaming one race for his issues, you can see whats truly in his heart.

Wheras the Kramer thing, I dont think it was racist. Inapropriate? Probably. But not racist. He was angry, and chose words to be as hurtful as possible. But I doubt he's racist towards blacks. Had it been a group of hispanics heckling him, he would have probably used hispanic slurs. Or if it was a group of whites, there probably would have been words that are hurtful towards whites. Yes it's hurtful, yes it's probably not a good idea in our overly sensitive PC society. But I dont think thats racist. If he was truly racist, he woulnd't have been performing in front of that audience.

I think as a society were to quick to label anyone and everything that even mentions another person's race, as a racist, or bring racist. If you use someone's color or ethnicity when describing them, your being racist. If you use any sort of slur, your a racist. If you mention emulate something thats popular in another race, and your not that race, your being racist. Or being fake. We've watered the word down so much by overexposure that I don't think anyone really knows what it is anymore. We already tried to define it, and as a group here on specktra, we coulnd't even agree on what being racist was. So how can we really call people racist, if we can't agree on what it is? Or how can we teach our children what not being racist is, if we can't as a society, agree on the meaning?


Well-known member
i hear ditzy white girls using the N word all the friggin time. not because they're racist, because they're ditzy idiots that listen to rap music. lol.

I love Brian Kinney

Well-known member
Paris is an idiot. MAybe she just needs a good ass kicking. I'm so glad that Shanna Moakler punched her in her fugly face. Someone was going to do it eventually, and someone will do it again.


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Or, any gossip blog. I'm sure there are tons of people here who read ONTD or FadedYouth or Lainey. It's not like whether you like her or not, she's not everywhere. You can't GO to a gossip blog without seeing her or her business splashed about.


Well-known member
If you don't get the point of reading gossip mags, then I think it would be a pretty fair assumption you wouldn't get entertainment out of them either.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
haha now that someone mentioned shanna moakler... i LOVE her. haha!

me to!! i wish her and travis would get back together, she just came out with her own makeup line.. the packageing is very cute.


Well-known member
i can't make fun of her "beak" because i have a cricked nose, so i can't diss someone else with the same problem hah. but i think she'd be alot more attractive if she took better care of herself. i'm not saying she's fug, but she isn't gorgeous either...she looks like and average girl to me, who's taken a shining to immulating the style of a street woman.

that last comment isn't meant to offend anyone. alot of girls can pull off that look, but on her it just doesn't look right, to me at least.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i hope this thread dont become another racial one, i mean some people read to much into things to make it more than it really is.. and for someone who hates paris you sure are reading into her alot..

Not the original poster, but if it's true that she used the N word - what other possible light could you see that in, that doesn't make it ugly?

I can't imagine.

For all those who come to Paris's defense and say they "like" her, I can't help wondering - what is it exactly you like about her? What has she accomplished or what qualities does she have that you find admirable?

Seems to me she has a really ugly, mean personality and is mostly known (and paid for) being rich and partying to extremes. Can't blame her too much for that; if I had the money she'd been handed maybe I'd be the same way and be drifting aimlessly from party to party. But I don't see why it should make her a celebrity or someone to be admired.

As to whether she's ugly or pretty, I don't even think that's an issue. She's nice enough looking, but not drop dead gorgeous IMO, and her smirk often ruins her look - and I think it reveals more about her than anything else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
By that defenition everyone is racist. As I doubt there is a person alive who hasn't used someone's race in some sort of profanity at some point in their life.

Well, you can cease doubting. I never have and I'm sure I'm not alone in this!

Why would you need to bring race into your anger at someone, UNLESS it's their race that offends you or you consider that race an epithet in itself?

Otherwise, if you're angry at someone for being rude, late, selfish, lazy, whatever, you stick to the reason you're angry at them. And I've never heard a white person who's angry at another white person assail their race!