parrot and thrills


Well-known member
so pretty! makes me want to try out thrills which i bought but never tried...


Well-known member
So pretty as usua,l and she just had a baby, wow! I would be no makeup for like at least a few months! Props to you girl!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *JJ*
how do you apply blush? which brush do you use for applying/blending it?

depends on the day and what brush I grab first...for this particular fotd i used a 187...I use a 187 for blush about 5% of the time. Normally I use a 109 or 168. I don't use a separate brush for blending it


Specktra Bestie
Wow! Fierce look! It's the oddest thing to notice, but I especially love the highlight on the inside corners of your eyes- it gives them a wonderful, starry look.

Every time I see Thrills on someone else, I want to cry, because I've tried it on a few times and it always looks kind of icky and orange on me, but gorgeous on everyone else...