*^^* Parrot's Twin *^^* - [Pic Heavy]


Well-known member
hmm that doesnt seem as bright as my parrot, but i kinda like it better actually! nice lashes too! do they hit ur glasses when you blink? that used to happen to me lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetie0716
That looks really pretty!! I'm not sure if it is a good dupe for parrot though? Mine looks alot brighter, but I havent seen it in photos or after a full day of work. I don't know, I am most likely wrong.

everyone on specktra said showy is a parrot dupe. but it's probably not as bright as urs b/c i have eczema on my eyelids, which causes me to get dry (scaly) skin on there, and eyeshadow doesn't like to stick to dry scaly skin. it's super sucky, cuz eyeshadows can't be as bright and vibrant as they're suppose to be when on me.

Originally Posted by ShauntyXD
Looks pretty!
Why is everyone having such a hard time finding Parrot o_O i walked into MAC a couple of weeks ago and it was right there...Anyway YOU LIVE IN TORONTO GOOOD. If u still want to get Parrot just go to the MAC on Queen st. W (its the pro store, they have everything)

awww thx! im surprised the pro store still has parrot in stock!

Originally Posted by kaexbabey
hmm that doesnt seem as bright as my parrot, but i kinda like it better actually! nice lashes too! do they hit ur glasses when you blink? that used to happen to me lol

ur probably right about urs being brighter. RE: my reply to sweetie0716.
and yes they do hit my glasses a bit haha...but b/c they're sooooo soft (100% human hair), it just glides on my lenses, so i can't really feel them hitting it too bad.

Thank you to everyone else who replied! You guys are sooOOo sweet with your lovely comments.
and i've been wearing glasses since grade 6, and these are my favorite pair yet! lOoOove em! D&Gs. they rock!