Patrick Swayze given only five weeks to live


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it's true. I hate it when people have to die.


Well-known member
I hope that he doesn't have just five weeks to live.
So sad. I hate when anyone has to die but he is still really young.


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Originally Posted by Kuuipo
If he really does have pancreatic cancer, that's it. It moves really fast. I've had four young relatives in my immediate family get it -and no one lasted longer than 6 months. It starts with very vague symptoms, burping, back ache, indigestion and then it pretty much just digests you alive. I've taken care of professors, housewives, construction workers, dry cleaners and a couple rather famous musicians who died of pancreatic cancer. It's a horrible way to go. You can look fabulous one month and the next month you can be a skeleton with an IV attatched. The pancreas makes many enzymes-and they affect the whole body. Your pancreas makes insulintoo-and insulin is a messenger that brings energy to the cells. It also makes enzymes that digest food and break it down. Since its a gland, it communicates with other glands, and it can spread rapidly. It also sits right next to the liver.

Now is this something that you can usually tell if you are going to get it from your familys health history? I know I am young but I have these same symptoms out of the blue I thought it was just gas


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Some families tend to get more cancers in one type of organ than another. Diabetes, dietary fat, and things that are extremely irritating to the pancreas (ciggerettes, alcohol, chemicals-industrial chemicals!, raise the risk factors). Men get pancreatic cancer at a rate many times greater than females.
The same symptoms are that of gallstones. (fatty food intolerance, epigastric pain,etc)

I think it sucks that a tabloid outed Swayze and he did not have the choice of telling the public or not telling. My greatest sympathies.
Pancreatic cancer carries a one percent survival rate, it is the deadliest and fastest spreading cancer. Often even attempting surgery increases the rate of spread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
i heard about this yesterday and the 5 weeks to live is not true.

It's not true everyone!! He does have pancreatic cancer but it is treatable! Yayyyyy!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziza
It's not true everyone!! He does have pancreatic cancer but it is treatable! Yayyyyy!!!

yeah i heard that the "5 weeks to live" thing wasnt true but i think he's still in pretty bad shape, like they're gonna attempt to treat it but it doesnt look good...

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