Peeve about women...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
yes but my rant isn't about men, it's about women. So nyah.

traitor ;p

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Well, I think women (myself included) expect courtesy and general politeness.

When we go somewhere, please open the door. I expect that he volunteers to pay for dinner (er, but we usually go dutch, lol). And just to overall be considerate.

You don't have to drop everything to do some stupid bullsh*t with me... but if I ask you a week in advance (and remind you) that we have plans to go to a party don't cancel on me because of a sports event, your friends (minus emergencies) or any other complete crap that happened at the last minute.

Not all "I'm a princess" but more like "I'm your girlfriend, I deserve to be treated like I'm someone close to you, not just like one of your friends."

I don't being someone's girlfriend means that the guy should necessarily open doors or pay for dinner. Particularly paying dinner. Special occasions, like birthdays, but it should also be reciprocated by the girlfriend as well.

As for the last part, people in general should stick to their plans. I had friends in the past who would cancel because something better came up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I don't being someone's girlfriend means that the guy should necessarily open doors

Your right, all men should do that regardless ;p

While I'll open a door for myself, and even hold it for other people. I dont think it's that much to expect him to hold a door especially if i'm his girlfriend. Along with that, I think it's fair for him to expect me to tell him thankyou for doing so.

or pay for dinner. Particularly paying dinner. Special occasions, like birthdays, but it should also be reciprocated by the girlfriend as well.

If it's a first date, he better pay ;p Since if were on a date, he asked me out. Even the first few dates. Once were a couple, I think it's fair that going dutch is the polite thing to do.

As for the last part, people in general should stick to their plans. I had friends in the past who would cancel because something better came up.

I agree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'll rant about men later.

So looking forward to it


Well-known member
I’m going to go back to my usual case of parentitis. I always feel like the girls that usually expect this were either treated this way by their Daddies or they were ignored by their Daddies and are seeking it from their significant others. But yep, I know what you mean, I have friends like this too and it drives me nuts. Treat yourself that way if you really want it! I’ve always told my fiancé that it’s not about money or where he takes me because I am perfectly capable of making as much, if not more, than he does. I see nothing wrong with a guy spoiling a girl if he so desires - absolutely not. But, I don’t think it should be a condition to your relationship. I’m pretty fair with my SO, occasionally I hold “boyfriend appreciation day” and I take him out. I just expect the same thing in return- I’m polite and respectful and I occasionally plan something special and that’s what I want from him too.

Now, I’m not going to lie and say I don’t enjoy all that "princess/queen" treatment. I don’t think I’m a cheap person to please- I like the manicures and spas and nice restaurants and 5 star hotels and nice vacations etc. My SO teases me and tells me I’m a “high roller”- but the truth of the matter is I send the check to myself at the end of the day. I make myself responsible for my taste.

Living on delusions are only fun for a short while, might as well get to the real stuff so that a couple can find out who they really are.


Well-known member
Shimmer, you've hit the nail on the head. Sure, being pampered and spoiled in a relationship is great...but you have to pamper and spoil your significant other, too!
Isn't the give and take the fun part, anyways? Thanks for posting this, babe!


Well-known member
I know someone who expects this type of treatment from the men she's seeing. If they don't buy her stuff, or spend any money on her whatsoever, and this goes beyond holding doors open and paying for dinner, she'll drop him. She became like this because her ex boyfriend would always shower her with the jewelry, clothes, pets (yes pets) she wanted. He did require though that they only see eachother twice a week because of his "busy" schedule. Well guess what...
He cheated on her. Many many times.
But no, this wasn't enough for her to learn. She still can't see that being treated like a queen, being placed on such a high pedestal does not equal love. After this experience, she still drops guys that aren't wealthy. Now I don't know that many details but what I do *know* is that if a woman cannot stand for herself, and she depends on someone to shower her with gifts and treat her like a princess, her relationships are never going to last, or at the least, be meaningful. Despite the obvious reasons why, she is not showing a man that she can take care of herself, thankyouverymuch. And this resonnates with confidence and power which to me are the sexiest qualities any woman can have. No man will *dare* cheat or leave.


Active member
And we wonder why men are sometimes boggled by women. No one should expect the other person to have clairvoyance regarding the significant other's mindset. I guess some people are immature, or have a sense of entitlement, or are just delusional.

The ironic thing is, the guys who sweet talk women and treat them to nice yet frivolously expensive things are more likely to screw around. Namely because this is their M.O. to lull the woman's skepticism, and because it gives these guys a sense of entitlement (she needs me for the money, in return i want something on the side).

Not to bag solely on the women, but a lot of men are idiots too, but that'll be another (hopefully interesting) thread.


Well-known member
I agree with everything you wrote, Shimmer.

I hate when women expect men to read their minds, and I especially hate it when they torture the men endlessly when they fail to do so.


Well-known member
Brilliant Tread!!!!! I'm forwarding this rant to a few chicks I know. Relationships are work. If one person is doing all the work at some point someone is going to get disillusioned and leave. Just saying


Well-known member
It's extremely annoying when both men or women feel a sense of entitlement. It's not attractive... I personally don't want a man who acts like a spoiled brat and any man with common sense wouldn't want to deal with a woman who is a spoiled brat either.


Well-known member
I completely agree.

It's extremely annoying when both men or women feel a sense of entitlement. It's not attractive... I personally don't want a man who acts like a spoiled brat and any man with common sense wouldn't want to deal with a woman who is a spoiled brat either.

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