People who hate mac or ?


Active member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
i've heard gripes about it being too expensive...i've even griped about it being too expensive hahaha. but never any of those other things, i guess the ladies and gentlemen at my counter are just amazing.

if they dislike mac soo much y would they even wonder about how much it cost? if u dont like something u ussually dont even think about looking it up... pple are silly


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
And it also is quite telling when you see some of these LE quads (Free to Be, Well Plumed, Sweetie Cakes, Icons....) when 2 or 3 months later they are still on the website. They are still in many stores. You go to the CCO's they are there. You can't get rid of them.

That's an indication that no- they aren't doing that great (they aren't moving product!) and it's also a very big indication that many of the consumers-are growing very weary of the lack of imagination and well thought out color stories and the constant bombardment.

Take wing and well plumed eye quads came from the Untamed Color Story back in Aug. of 2006. Why then is it still readily available online even in Feb of 2007? That's 6 months.

A single eyeshadow, I can be more understanding. A lipstick or a lipgloss - sure I can be even more understanding. A quad? Not so much.

Eh... A quad, i'm not surprised.

I HATE quads. Why? because typically I only like ONE color in the quad. So instead of being able to buy the 1 color I like (Remember, i dont always (sometimes I do if there all new to me) buy EVERY color in a collection. I buy the ones I like.

Quads force me to buy 2-3 colors I dont like, in order to buy the 1-2 colors I DO like. So in many cases, I have to pay like $30-$40 dollars for 1 ES pot, instead of buying the 1 color I liked for $13. So unless it's a color I really really really really want, I'll typically pass on the quad, and go pick out something else.

I own 1 quad, and that's that was a LE edition Macy's quad from the colection released a month back dealing with all the ballet stuff (forgot the name already), and I only bought it because it had a green/black pot in it that I wanted for doing green smokey eyes. I also have the cool eyes pallet with the 6 colors in it, but I liked over 1/2 the colors in the pallet so it was worth buying to me.

So yeh... I really dont think quads are a good measure of MAC's success, since imho, the only people really buying them anyways are the OCD people who have to collect every color released. For those of us who typically buy only colors we plan on actually wearing, they aren't a very good value, when there are plenty of other things I can get for the same amount of money, that I would use.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
So even though it "sounds" like they are doing pretty well if we look at other factors and indicators it does tend to point in the other direction.

Also of note... EL's stock is trading at almost $50.00 a share (around 47.35 dollars atm of this post), it hasn't done this in several years. So as a company, they seem to have been making some good decisions.


Well-known member
But remember EL's stock also includes other lines that may be fairing better than MAC itself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
But remember EL's stock also includes other lines that may be fairing better than MAC itself.

Yeh i tried to see if I could seperate MAC out, but didn't spend enough time to look for income figures. I'm sure I could find some if I dug around.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
But remember EL's stock also includes other lines that may be fairing better than MAC itself.

Clinique does ridiculously well; I read somewhere that they do more business than any other counter in the world. I would bet that Clinique and not MAC is carrying the company.

The reason I say that is nothing to do with the company itself but because Clinique is more available than MAC. Even with the internet, I personally hesitate to buy cosmetics online, unless I've seen them in a store/tried them. I think that'll change, since Macy's bought out a lot of chains in the past year (since Macy's carries MAC).


Well-known member
I could see that. Clinique is more available and they advertise. I think a lot of people might feel "safer" with it as well. GWP brings the #s in, too.

I'm sorry, but the Sweetie Cake palette takes me back to 1984. I'm sure there are people that rock that palette, but to me it looks very dated. JMO


Well-known member
I can see Clinique doing that as well.

Not just because it is widely available but also as ms.marymac said-people probably do feel safer with it.


Well-known member
Seeing MAC at CCOs isn't a sign that MAC is doing bad, just that they're making more product. I think they've probably been making bank on their LE collections, so they produce more product than they used to. That's very possibly a decision made by EL execs and not MAC. And of course EL still makes a healthy profit on product sold at CCOs.

I'd also like to say that I HATE QUADS! They're WAY overpriced and so plain and poorly coordinated lately. I'm really surprised that they keep making them. Perverted Pearl was great and useful, but since then..? Blech.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think people buy quads, because they think the colors will work together, so they don't have to think.

I personally buy some quads (not MAC) because it is cheaper and I like all the colors in it.


Well-known member
mac is great. very good quality eyeshadows. however, since i don't have a job, i usually stick to drug store brands. i would get more stuff if i could. haha. and yeah, and i don't really like how some of the people that work there act snooty? so i guess it's like a 50/50 thing.


Well-known member
MAC makes great make-up... it's just the skin care that I really hate. I use Max Factor eye makeup remover that is way better then the MAC pro kind, and other companies (like Clinique and Origins) make way better skin care IMO.

I have uber pale skin and usually use either clinique or prescriptives foundation b/c MAC is never light enough (I have N3 Studio Fix powder but I think it feels really heavy and the hypperreal doesn't cover enough).

But no one has anything on MAC's variety of colors of shadows and the saturation of them. They're good for some things but not others.

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