People who try to mooch free stuff or services


Well-known member
Before I really got into freelancing, I was all too excited about makeup and beauty and would do it for free all the time without question. Now that I've migrated into more of a professional (though it's not my FT work), I find that people expect me to offer free services (friends, friends of friends, friends of family, etc.).

I do have a level of understanding about why people expect free services (after I did it for a few years), but I don't think it's asking too much for people to respect that this is now a business for me and I expect to make a profit. *Especially for people who are friends of friends of friends that I've never met or heard of!!*


Active member
Wow. Yeah this happens to me all the time.
Back in high school, I was doing the makeup for the fashion show the school was holding, and I had my makeup on the counter of the bathroom. While I'm doing someone's makeup, some girl from my class that I've never talked to comes up to me and asks to borrow my #224 brush and two of my eyeshadows and I explain to her that it's my makeup..blah blah blah..and I continue what I was doing. When I go reach for my blending brush it's not there and the girl who asked was gone. I confronted her the next day but she denied it and there was no way to prove it was her -_-.

And about the mooching, I recently got hired as a MAC freelance artist and before that, all the girls at work caught wind that I was getting interviewed and all they could talk about was my discount that they were "SO gonna use all the time because MAC is SOOO expensive."
Yeah right.

I'm a nice person but when it comes to taking advantage of me, I don't deal with it.


I've got a friend who's in theatre, has been doing her own makeup since she was a pre-teen, and who's fairly good at it. When I've asked her to do my makeup, I've always added in that I expect to pay for the time and materials and knowledge (she's a pretty good teacher, and I don't just want the makeup done, I want to know what she's doing and why.) Sometimes I pay her in cash, sometimes I take her out for coffee or lunch, it depends. But I do not expect it to be free.

When these folks ask you to do their hair/makeup/nails, is it possible to say "Sure I can! That's $20 a person." (or some cost for whatever-it-is they want done, mani/pedi/full makeup/whatever.) That will get rid of the freeloaders, but the folks who genuinely do want their makeup done - or even the folks who are willing to pay to "play around" - they get their makeup done, and you get some cash. You also nicely establish that if they want you to do their makeup in the future, they can have it done...for a fee. That reinforces that what you do is a *business*, it's not just *playing*. (That also lets you decide if you're going to offer a friend or family member a "F&F discount", or a freebie on their birthday, or when the mood moves you...but it puts you in control of the situation, not the ones doing the asking.)

I don't know how to finesse the random folks who ask you to purchase things for them with your MAC Pro discount, though...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I've read many times on Beauty Guru's webpages or youtube channels stuff like :

No, I wont give my makeup away
No, I wont send you samples from my stuff

I'm just wondering, how these people who ask for this, were raised?

It never ceases to amaze me how many ppl beg for guru's makeup on YT. Its extremely tacky IMO.


Well-known member
Someone from here on Specktra actually tried to mooch free make-up from me. I don't know what her user name is though. But, she had sent me a friend request on Myspace a few weeks ago saying that she knew me from Specktra. So I added her. She sent me a few emails saying how much she loved my make-up & how she wanted to "model herself after me". I thought that was a bit much, but I just took it as a compliment. Next thing I know about a week ago she sends me a message saying that she can't afford to buy MAC & wants to know if I would donate some of my make-up to her
I thought wow, I don't know this chick from a hole in the wall & she is gonna ask me for free make-up? But, I tried to be nice about it & I sent her a message back telling her that no I would not send her any make-up. But that there are places like MUA where you can swap for new make-up & there are sales on here where you can buy things for cheaper than you would at the counter. She never wrote anything back to me. She has been deleted from my Myspace since then. I don't need people trying to be my friend so that they can get free make-up from me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Someone from here on Specktra actually tried to mooch free make-up from me. I don't know what her user name is though. But, she had sent me a friend request on Myspace a few weeks ago saying that she knew me from Specktra. So I added her. She sent me a few emails saying how much she loved my make-up & how she wanted to "model herself after me". I thought that was a bit much, but I just took it as a compliment. Next thing I know about a week ago she sends me a message saying that she can't afford to buy MAC & wants to know if I would donate some of my make-up to her
I thought wow, I don't know this chick from a hole in the wall & she is gonna ask me for free make-up? But, I tried to be nice about it & I sent her a message back telling her that no I would not send her any make-up. But that there are places like MUA where you can swap for new make-up & there are sales on here where you can buy things for cheaper than you would at the counter. She never wrote anything back to me. She has been deleted from my Myspace since then. I don't need people trying to be my friend so that they can get free make-up from me.

Ok Seriously that is just WRONG and if she is reading this she needs to know that its just plain WRONG! I can understand a friend or a family member but a random person off specktra.........she ought to be ashamed of her damn self. Seriously dont people have any sense of pride going around the internet begging for make-up. people dont understand that make-up especially high end make-up is a luxury if you cant afford mac then use loreal or get the 120 e/s palette. People are just plain greedy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
Ok Seriously that is just WRONG and if she is reading this she needs to know that its just plain WRONG! I can understand a friend or a family member but a random person off specktra.........she ought to be ashamed of her damn self. Seriously dont people have any sense of pride going around the internet begging for make-up. people dont understand that make-up especially high end make-up is a luxury if you cant afford mac then use loreal or get the 120 e/s palette. People are just plain greedy.

Not to mention that we work our ass off for the makeup that we get, whether it's free or at a discount-why would we just dole it out, especially to a stranger?


Well-known member
I just recently watching a youtuber's haul video where she talked about buying too many pigments and will be selling some of them on her blog. There was a comment from a subscriber that was like, you should give them away in a contest. Isn't that for the youtuber to decide? And if she wanted to, she would have done it already.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Someone from here on Specktra actually tried to mooch free make-up from me. I don't know what her user name is though. But, she had sent me a friend request on Myspace a few weeks ago saying that she knew me from Specktra. So I added her. She sent me a few emails saying how much she loved my make-up & how she wanted to "model herself after me". I thought that was a bit much, but I just took it as a compliment. Next thing I know about a week ago she sends me a message saying that she can't afford to buy MAC & wants to know if I would donate some of my make-up to her
I thought wow, I don't know this chick from a hole in the wall & she is gonna ask me for free make-up? But, I tried to be nice about it & I sent her a message back telling her that no I would not send her any make-up. But that there are places like MUA where you can swap for new make-up & there are sales on here where you can buy things for cheaper than you would at the counter. She never wrote anything back to me. She has been deleted from my Myspace since then. I don't need people trying to be my friend so that they can get free make-up from me.

This just happened to me this morning on Live Journal! I wonder if it was the same person. (last night) Someone asked about my post on how I store my makeup, they wanted to see the post. I responded with the link and woke up this morning with this in my inbox:

"Hi i was wondering if you had any makeup items that you no longer needed and are looking to get rid of. Please let me know as i am a mother of 2 and currently dont have the funds to get my hands on all the great makeup items i am always lemming over. I can pay shipping I just thought i would ask you never know. Thanks for your time and let me know either way thank you"

I was kind of floored. At first I felt bad because I DO have A LOT of makeup. But I work hard for my paycheck and if I choose to spend it on makeup that's my choice. I shouldn't feel like I have to give stuff (makeup) away when it was MY money that was spent on it. I have sisters and friends who I "donate" makeup to lol. I have also given backups to charities for battered/abused womens shelters and for MAC baskets for raffle/charity events. So I have done my share of giving away my material things, aka MAC. I mean really. I don't know why I was SO offended--it's not too big an issue, but after I felt guilty I thought, I don't even know this dare they? my own mother wouldn't even be that brash/bold (and my mom KNOWS I'd give her the rarest thing in my collection.)

People are just...ugh. It put a damper on the start of my day to say the least.

I haven't responded because I don't want to come off as a total bitch. And I'm afraid any way I word my response will come out offensive...


Well-known member
^^ Dang how tacky. You're probably offended, because it's just the wrong thing to do. What I do know is people will tell you any sob story to get your money, your makeup, whatever. I wouldn't even answer the email. That's an answer in itself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ambonee
This just happened to me this morning on Live Journal! I wonder if it was the same person. (last night) Someone asked about my post on how I store my makeup, they wanted to see the post. I responded with the link and woke up this morning with this in my inbox:

"Hi i was wondering if you had any makeup items that you no longer needed and are looking to get rid of. Please let me know as i am a mother of 2 and currently dont have the funds to get my hands on all the great makeup items i am always lemming over. I can pay shipping I just thought i would ask you never know. Thanks for your time and let me know either way thank you"

I was kind of floored. At first I felt bad because I DO have A LOT of makeup. But I work hard for my paycheck and if I choose to spend it on makeup that's my choice. I shouldn't feel like I have to give stuff (makeup) away when it was MY money that was spent on it. I have sisters and friends who I "donate" makeup to lol. I have also given backups to charities for battered/abused womens shelters and for MAC baskets for raffle/charity events. So I have done my share of giving away my material things, aka MAC. I mean really. I don't know why I was SO offended--it's not too big an issue, but after I felt guilty I thought, I don't even know this dare they? my own mother wouldn't even be that brash/bold (and my mom KNOWS I'd give her the rarest thing in my collection.)

People are just...ugh. It put a damper on the start of my day to say the least.

I haven't responded because I don't want to come off as a total bitch. And I'm afraid any way I word my response will come out offensive...

The message I got was very similar to that. It just might be the same person! I just can't get over the fact that people have the nerve to beg for make-up. I mean, it's not a necessity. Food, a roof over your head, clothes on your back. That is important & if you were begging for those things I would have some sympathy. But, asking a complete stranger to donate make-up? Come on! People just really have nerve!


Well-known member
Wow! Some of these stories are just freakin' terrible! I've not really had anyone ask to play with my makeup (maybe they know what a bitch I am and know better to even ask) but I do have people who are really jealous of what I do have and try to make me feel bad for having the things I have. #1 sorry you aren't going to fucking make me feel guilty for working my ass off to buy the nice things I like and #2 it's not your fuckin' business what *I* spend my money on, as long as my families NEEDS are met. While I don't have friends who ask to play with my makeup, I do have friends who ask me to do their makeup. Which, I don't charge them because I love it, it's my passion and it's a great way to practice and try something new.

My dad has a maid (I know that probably sounds bad, lol) but she will walk through his house cleaning while mumbling under her breath how "it's a sin to have this much stuff and to spend this much money". Bitch! Be happy you have a job and you're being paid $400 in cash a week! On top of that when you are there cleaning he buys all of your meals and you're welcomed to anything in the house to eat or drink. The economy blows and people are losing good paying jobs left and right. This is the same damn lady, when I was in highschool would go through all of my clothes in my closet and if something still had a tag on it, she would ask why I hadn't worn it and if I wanted to give it away. WTF?!?!

My dad owns a business he built it from the ground up and has always been willing to help out family members and friends when he could. We have family members who are CONSTANTLY asking him for a job. Hell one guy who he tried to help out, stole $400 from the petty cash drawer in my dads office. One person stole a shit ton of DVDs that were LOCKED IN AN OFFICE. He finds himself trying to create things to do within his business so he can help people out. It's become ridiculous and he's called an asshole when he says, "ya know I just don't have anything open right now". He's also a high roller at casinos here and around the country. It's amazing the amount of people who will freakin call my dad and ask, "hey i'm going to vegas next week, do you think you can get me a free room at a casino, or can you get me free tickets to a show, can you get all my meals comped?" It drives me insane how tactless and shamless people are.

Plain and simple all it comes down to is people are jealous and lazy and would rather take handouts and critisize those of us who do bust our asses to buy the things we enjoy. People also really hate when someone has more than they do. People get really ugly, real quick when you have something they want.


I just read this entire thread & I'm sitting here shaking my head in utter amazment at the friggin brass some ppl have! & to are a better woman than me...cuz I would have gone to jail for hurting that snot who stole from your home!

I'll be the first to freely admit I am a shopping whore I love everything nice from handbags - leather coats & jackets - shoes - clothing - perfume - and my makeup. However, I'll also be the first to admit I'll bitch slap the face off anyone who thought they had a God given right to touch one item that belongs to me without my permission! Even my own daughter wouldn't dream of touching my things without asking first.

I've been Licensed for 25+ yrs & I will help friends & family out with discounts for anything that is available to me...I won't buy it for them but, I will hook them up with my discounts. There are only 2 ppl in this world that get sevices done for free from me, my daughter & my neice...that is it, I have never given my skill way to any friends or other family. you just can't...once you do, you are screwed! They will expect it forever for themselves & everyone else they know.

I stopped working in a Salon because I couldn't stand to have ppl just pick up my custom scissors & razors to "play" with them or the ppl who would bring their children with them & let them run wild & get into everything in the Salon
. I actually told a client once...if she was going to bring her child with her, she would have to also bring someone to watch her because, if she didn't & her daughter touched one more item or got into one more thing in the Salon, she could consider it sold & she would be charged for it & I would than drop her from my client list & would no longer accept any bookings appts. from her. Yes...I am a BITCH & damn proud of it & yes, she was pissed off big time & I didn't hear from her for 2 months but, she did end up coming back...without the kid in tow...LOL

Now that I'm an Independent Artist, when I provide my services everyone knows...don't touch my makeup, equipment, supplies or tools...cuz I'll break your fingers & then charge you extra for it...LOL

Being Free-Lance has it's perks, don't ever let anyone make you feel guilty for looking out for yourself & your livelyhood! set the rules...period!


Well-known member
LMAOOOO OMGGG im completly speechless after reading this thread omg people are freakin pathetic!! i understand as some of you say begging for food but make up???? COME ONN MAN....

I share the same feeling as some of you ladies.. I too like good things and i dont care how expensive they are because im the one working 8 hour days in a warehouse lol.. Im 19 and only pay for my cell phone so why not... Thanks god that my parents are well off and i have this PRIVELGE!!!!

i gotta couple of stories but lets start with this one friend of mine... Ughhh i hate envious people everytime she comes over she goes throughh all my shit seeing whats new and what she thinks i never use that i "should really give to her" now someone smack me cuz i dunno why i let her do it... we just been friends for so long... she gets mad at me beccause i do buy urban decay and mac... she wont spend more the 5 bucks for an eyeshadow.... there is nothing wrong with that but stop tryiing to shop my stashh...
She says im ridiculous for spending so much money on makeup but she can gladly ask me to donate it to her... this bitch has 2 jobs lmaoo!!!

Now i dont like ANYONE touching my makeup lol i mean im really picky cuz i've had things broken... she says im a selfish spoiled bitchh!! lol the nerve she has......
My cousin is another one just like her only worse...... i say cousin buts she's almost 30 wit a family... after begging me a few times for makeup she learned just not to ask but instead she'll try and help herself... yes this GROWN ASS WOMAN trys to steal my makeup.....

ughhh what has this world come to???
ok it felt good to vent a little