

Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Thanks tara! thanks, i always wanted to go on the pill but i heard that one of the side effects is that you gain that true?

isn't that worth not having all the cramps? i'd say so!

Originally Posted by purrtykitty
i didn't really notice much of a weight gain with me, but on the plus side (i least from the male perspective), my boobs got bigger
(maybe that's where the weight gain went). i've heard it's not unusual for breasts to get larger once going on the pill.

this is true. i grew a cup size every year, and ended up having a breast reduction. too much of a good thing i tell ya!

Originally Posted by banjobama
Definitely consider going on the pill. I LOVE the pill. I'm on generic Seasonale where you only get your period four times a year. Is is perfectly ok to do that. When you are on a normal cyclic pill, you only get your period from the withdraw from the hormones, not from ovulation. The inventors of the pill put that placebo week in so that the cycle would remain more natural so that the Pope might approve of the pill, but it didn't work. Anyway it is so great, talk to your doctor about it, you shouldn't suffer like that!!

i started on ortho tri cyclen, but the hormones levels were wrong for my endometriosis (the reason i went on the pill at the age of 14). so, after a year or so, i switched to orthocept. i was on that for 10 years and it was perfect. no cramps, EVER, and a light flow that lasted only 3 days, thurs-sat. plus, i've never had any reoccuring endo symptoms. i could plan every vacation, and could even "rescedule" my period if it were to fall on a vaca week. then, a few years ago, my periods changed. i would have it normal on thurs, none on fri, and light on sat. my doc attributed it to being on the pill for such a long time. she then switched me to seasonale, but i take it continuously, so i never have a period. this has also decreased my migraines. i just had one the other day, my first in almost two years (its been 2 years since i've had a period).

Originally Posted by Leilani78
exercising regularly does help to ease the pain.
also eating a banana or drinking milk helps to ease cramps because bananas contain potassium and milk contains calcium. both minerals are needed for normal muscle function.

exercising during your period does ease the pain, but it also increases the bleeding.

Originally Posted by Sushi.
I used to get such bad pains that i would practically pass out. I would have to miss at least week of school every month (which of course was not good) i would be sick to my stomach all the time, and they were like unpredictable, they would start whenever (not regular at all!) and then go for a LONG TIME (at least a week usually more) So my doctor put me on the pill when i was like 12. She told me to take it everyday, without stopping. So i do, starting out you have to stop every few months as your body is not used to it yet kind of thing so you will get spotting. The next time you will beable to go a little longer and longer. And now i dont stop taking it ever. So i never have a period.. and yes i know everyone thinks that sounds bad or unhealthy but its not, my doctor was the one who told me to do it. lol. and i have no problems.
I love it, and would never go back to not taking it.

hmm, i never started and stopped. i've been taking it non-stop for 13 years. starting and stopping would throw your body off, not make it adjust.

Originally Posted by QTAllStarGurl
oh this thread makes me giggle....but omg do u know what i hate sooo much...i only wear pads whan im sleeping or whatever and i guess its because i sleep with my legs closed or something but everytime i wake up in the morning and get out of the bed i feel like everything just falls a monster clot it soo grosss!! so i always end up like running to the bathroom

Originally Posted by MissChievous
Bwahahah yep I know that feeling. Or when you've got a tampon in and you have a feeling like it's leaking, and you're somewhere like on a bus or a place without a toilet, so you start to panic about it seeping through your pants! And when you finally get to a toilet, there's nothing there. Hate that!

this is bringing back horrible flashbacks!

Originally Posted by LOCa
I Can't Even Read This Whole Thing. Gross.

Is PMS Really Even Real?

Cause I Don't Get That... Ever

I Always Thought It Was Just An Excuse For Girls To Act Like Little B!TCHHHHHES Especially My Cousins UGHHHHHHHHhh

i agree. but it may be because i've been on the pill for almost my entire bleeding life.

and you can eat/do whatever you want during your period. unless you have health issues related to your period, there are no restrictions.


Well-known member
Ugh...mine are absolutely terrible. Between the debilitating cramps, the fatigue, and the extremely heavy flow (my periods are always at least 8 days long , and the first two days are so bad I have to change a Super Plus tampon every 2-3 hours for a good portion of the day), it's no wonder I dread it. It's gotten worse as I have gotten older, because I used to have them once every 5+ weeks but now, it's every four weeks. Naproxen is the only painkiller that remotely helps.

Worse yet is I am not allowed to go on birth control, because my mum would flip out (I'm 20 but I live at home, so her rules)...she says naproxen is enough. Also I can have very extreme mood swings and I've heard that the pill can make them worse. Not to mention I don't want any weight gain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lyttleravyn
I used to be on the pill for a few years, then switched to the patch. I was still getting pretty bad cramps and a heavy period. I decided to go to something a little more long-term. In November, I got an Implanon implant in my upper arm. For the first 2-3 months my periods were a little lighter and cramps were very very light. Now, I'm happy to report I haven't gotten my period at all in 3 months! (And no I'm not preggers) I also haven't gotten any kind of cramps, spotting, mood swings, nothing!! I'm also in a great mood all the time haha, it's like being on anti-depressants but no drugs
I don't think these results are common in every woman, but if these last the entire duration of my Implanon then I'm looking at 3 years of no periods woot!

The only side effect is that I have gained about 8lbs, but I think that also might be my bf's fault...he keeps indulging my horrible sweet tooth! haha

I have had the implant for just over two years now and Ive been up and down with it, for the first year i had NO periods it was fantastic then I had an EXTREMELY light period/spotting for a whole 6 months (a couple of days here and there it would stop...) it really depressed me, so the doctor prescribed me the pill to take at the same time (this is totally safe and does not affect the contraception process, just stops you menstruating)... so I did this for 6 months and have no stopped taking it and the periods have pretty much stayed away. I had some light spotting the other week for 4 days and now its gone again...

I would recommend the implant to anyone to be honest, its just a no nonsense thing and definiately makes your periods lighter, if a little unpredicatable (I always have to carry a tampon in my bag 'just in case' but id rather this than have heavy bleeding). My only thing is that I find it harder to lose weight than I used to, and I do have a bigger appetite but just got to have a bit of self control...!!