Photoshoot FOTD's (3 looks!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
I LOVE THAT DRESS! What is it? I want it!

I second that I love both of those dresses! Do tell Ette!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ette
The dress is from Zara.

Both of them are from there? Cool I have one near by in the Florida Mall or Millenia I think?


Well-known member
I have to post cuz I just dont understand why this member gets all the hate here and on MUA boards. Am I missing something? I seems to me like a young lady who's really into makeup and who is very lucky to have access to people and the industry due to whatever privileges she or her family can afford her to have.
If she's indeed lying, I'm sure karma will do what it's supposed to. It's not our job to do that.
I'm done.


Well-known member
Looks beautiful and just ignore the naysayers. You're going to have critics whenever you're in some kind of artistic profession. Don't let them get to you!


Well-known member
I think your work is good.Although I see your still working with lighting and stuff.Takes a bunch of shots for me to get my photo's looking right.I've always believed in It's not what you know it's who you know.Someone obviously took a liking to you because your young and they saw that you had talant in doing makeup.Thats a good thing you can build yourself up into the industry and when your 18 or older your gonna be making big money,while doing something you love doing.I think there is always a realm of negativity no matter where you go.Just ignore it.The photo shoot is beautiful I love the Dress You did good.The other shoot I see the girl looks seriously anorexic if she came out on the photo like that I could imagine how she looked up front way to thin! But your there to do the makeup. =) I still think you should keep posting despite what a few people say.I enjoy looking at photo's.Block negativity out.
Have a goodnight and dont worry about what people say. =)


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Well-known member
Wow, you really accentuated her already beautiful features perfectly!!!And the colors are extremely suited for her as well. It looks natural yet sexy - awesome job!