My first date with Alex was a BLIND date made by my friends, it was completely unbeknownst to the both of us. I even asked him later and he said he had no idea and he thought it was just a dinner between a couple friends. ( the same as me ). My friend asked us a half hour into dinner if we exchanged numbers yet and I was pissed, considering the fact that I had just broken up with my previous boyfriend 2 weeks beforehand. Needless to say me and Alex got along like we had been together for years.
I don't care for this pic of him, but who can say they have pics of them with their better half the first time they met?
We're still together Almost 3 months later, I just hope this post doesn't jinx it!
He talks as if he hit the jackpot, but I think I did! He makes me laugh more than anybody I know and that counts more than anything in my book!
I can honestly say that I love this man with all of my being and that if he ever asks me to elope, I won't hesitate to ask when!