This is me and my hubby (fianc
é/husband) Mike. He had Cystic Fibrosis and while waiting for a lung transplant this January, he very suddenly and (despite his health) very unexpectedly passed away. We were together for seven years. We were high school sweethearts. I call him my fianc
é/husband because we had been engaged but when he was in the ICU, before he passed away, he was in a coma and before I had him removed from life support, I had a small commitment ceremony. So legally we weren't married but as far as I am concerned and anyone who knew us, we are married. I miss him so very much but I thought this post was such a cute idea and wanted to share! He was and is the most amazing person I have ever met!
These first couple of photos were the last we had together. They were taken on New Year's Eve, just a few days before he passed away.
These were earlier in our relationship.
I'm sorry I posted so many photos! I miss him so much and I guess I just love an excuse to see his face!