Pigment samples or full size?


Well-known member
I've just been wondering this as i've realsied Melon works great for me. Thought maybe i should get a full size pigment for the first time (all mine are free samples slowly accumulated from counter) but a whole pot would has sooooo much in it. But i don't shop online for stuff or use E-bay etc so buying sample pigments is something i can't do at the moment.


Well-known member
I personally hate samples but I know alot of people like them. I know it's hard to go through a whole jar but I'd much rather have that than a 1/4 tsp of something. I don't mind if it's for a swap or a true "free sample" but, I guess I got burned on ebay where some people overcharge for a tiny tiny amount. And I like to get it direct from MAC in a new container so I know it's good and not a fake. Plus I get my PPID so it's not too expensive for a jar. But I know not everyone does or they don't have the money to buy a buch of big jars so it might be worth it for them.


Well-known member
Start with samples - then you can get the full size of your faves with no regrets


Well-known member
I usually try to get full-sized so I can make a sample that I know is clean and sanitary for myself and swap the rest away or make samples for other people. I know some girls make samples for friends etc so it's nice to have a full jar around. It does get pricey (no-PPID hehe) but I think the peace of mind I get knowing my sample wasn't previously spilled on a floor or chilled with a hair in it. ew gross I know, I got a sample that had a hair in it. How gross is that? I had to throw it far far away. ..I'd totally start with samples though to try the colors you think you'd like or swap for some.
It's usually a better deal to swap for them than get it off eBay, but that's just from my experience.


Well-known member
i'm awful. i like the full sizes just because i like the "matchy matchy"-ness of all the neat little containers sitting all in a row. When I put them in small sample containers to use, i get kind of irritated that my containers don't match the ones that i got from buying samples. hahahahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ledonatella
I personally hate samples but I know alot of people like them. I know it's hard to go through a whole jar but I'd much rather have that than a 1/4 tsp of something. I don't mind if it's for a swap or a true "free sample" but, I guess I got burned on ebay where some people overcharge for a tiny tiny amount. And I like to get it direct from MAC in a new container so I know it's good and not a fake. Plus I get my PPID so it's not too expensive for a jar. But I know not everyone does or they don't have the money to buy a buch of big jars so it might be worth it for them.

I agree, I deteste samples.


Well-known member
Deffinately full size, Sushi Flower if you don't want to pay for a full one ask some friends if they would go half with you then split the original pot into two pots.


Well-known member
I think that you should get samples first to play around with them and see which colours you really like before going out to get a full size. I only have full size pigments of the more nude colours cos those are the ones that I use the most.

There's really no point in getting one whole tub of a pigment you might only use several times a year cos then you'll have it forever! But...if you had the $$, I would say full size definitely!


Well-known member
Asnbrb - i'm just like you, i love my free samples from the counters as they come in cute little Mac tub with black top with MAC written on it. They just look so cute all together and i feel like i'm using MAC. If i bought samples off other people then they'd come in different types of containers which would annoy me! Maybe that's shallow of me but that's just how i like it, the psychology of products is important to me, maybe because i am involved with it in my studies. I'm not sold by packaging and hate over packaged stuff but i like a little contuinity and basic fondness in packaging.


I say samples, definitely. Pigments go such a long way that unless you use the same colours every day, you're not even going to put a dent in a full-size container in your lifetime!


Well-known member
I'm weird in the fact that I like looking at my full size jars, but I do have some samples. I think its smartest to get a sample before buying a full jar, unless its something LE that you can't really get again (at a sane price, at least).


Well-known member
I get full size jars of the neutrals that I can use with most anything - I get samples of the other stuff.


Well-known member
also on ebay they sell partial jars or samples in mac containers if ur into that 'matchy matchy' stuff.

personally, i have never finished an entire jar of pigment so i think partial jars are perfect.


Well-known member
I get samples of everything, esp. if I haven't seen the pigment in person! Unless you see a piggie at your store/counter and know at once you'll love it forever
(like it happened to me with the Rose piggie
), samples are better to find out if a colour will be of use to you! I also tend to get full sizes if a pigment is LE and I like it...


Active member
I like the full size better simply because they look better on the shelf... but I have a lot more samples than I do full size jars. Some colors I just don't wear a lot... like Ruby Red... and I can't justify spending $20 on something just to try it.


Active member
I don't really like pigments but I have a few full size jar pigments. I tried the pigments when I started getting into MAC but they were just too small for me.

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