Pin Up Look


Well-known member
Could any1 post some pics using mac products of the pin up look ? I love it!!! -:nana:- Or... does any1 have any links? I'm a major fan of this look (think Gwen and Bettie P) but I can't seem to tailor it to my complextion (ivory-biege)?


Well-known member
^^Yes--Agree!! There was LOTS of time and effort spent on these tutorials, so give 'em some love by visiting and getting inspired!


Well-known member
Always use Boot black liquid liner on the eyes, with an eyeshadow like vanilla on the lid and maybe a neutral brown in the crease to define a la Monroe. Pin-up girls did use to wear pastel greens and blues on their eyes aswell, and don't forget a matte, bright lipstick like Ruby Woo which is a blue-toned true red and Glam which is a bright pinky-red.


Well-known member
ivory/beige is the perfect skintone for the pinup look, imo. most of the pinups in the 1940s and 1950s had very pale, porcelain-esque skin. a very important thing to focus on when trying to achieve the pinup look is flawless skin.
and you can never go wrong with a light rosy blush!


Well-known member
Thanks! I bought the Ruby Woo Lipstick the other day and a red lip liner to go with it! I have studio fix foundation and i thought I'd mix it with this really pale Body Shop foundation for the skin. It does seem that this look suits a certain type of person! I wish I could pull it off with as much finess as others! It's such a gorgoues look! So classic! And myseterious! If any1 can suggest any other websites or forums for how to guides or pics I would really appreciate it! I've had a look at the tuts and they are very helpfull!


Well-known member
A very simple way of achieving this look is dark red or wine coloured lips, a neutral coloured eye with a black winged liquid eyeliner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
It does seem that this look suits a certain type of person! I wish I could pull it off with as much finess as others! It's such a gorgoues look! So classic! And myseterious!

Actually, I think the pinup look suits EVERYONE personally!

The one thing that nobody's mentioned yet is that it's important to have perfectly groomed and filled-in brows to do "vintage" well, it's the one thing I find to be next to impossible, but a fairly minimal eye with a black "lick" of liner and beatifully shaped dark brows, and you're half way to pinup-tastic gorgeousness!


Well-known member is a good resource!

It has a whole section devoted to Marilyn Monroe and a basic explanation of stuff from the 20s to the 70s.

Also check out the fedora lounge.

When I used to wear pin-up, I used russian red lipstick, pink swoon blush, brun to fill in my brows, a color to highlight (usually vapour), a neutral or really light color on the lid, dark color in crease, and blacktrack fluidliner (winged, top lid only). And tons and tons of mascara!