**slightly spoilerish if you ain't seen it yet**
I thought it was OK, but rather rubbish compared to the other two... there's like an hour, an hour twenty of really excellent stuff (and doesn't the monkey steal every flippin' scene he's in?

but the rest is just flabby and confusing... I mean, what WAS all that nonsense about raising the sea goddess? Did it further the plot or the action in any way? No. the spaced out Jack's hallucination sequences? Again, quite fun, but did they REALLY add anything to the film? No. With a timely snip of stuff like this, this would have been a zippy little 1 hr 40 mins of a great, fun movie rather than the bladder-buster 3 hour CHORE it became.........
And I don't really see the point of having all those cool different pirate lords when the final sea battle just boiled down to the two ships from Dead Man's Chest (Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl).... when they did that big shot with the whole armada spread out across the horizon, and the ramshackle glory of the pirate lords in their 'barks' on the other side, I was salivating, expecting a HUGE astonishing multi-ship sea battle with international pirate antics ahoy, but it just didn't happen that way, the action just stuck with the central characters...... and I was very disappointed too with the way the dealt with the Kraken, he was one of the big stars of Dead Man's chest and so much more could have been done with him....
Again I'm not saying it's not a GOOD film, but with some heavy editing and a clearer storyline ("oh no! somebody's betrayed somebody else! what, again? *yawn*"), that budget, that cast, and the basic charm of all the characters could have made something really great, something that in ten / fifteen years' time you'd dig out the ol' cabinet and show to your kids as a classic family movie... I know I'll probably be doing this with the first movie, it's so classic it will age well, but I doubt that the other two - with their muddy storylines and over-reliance on special effects - will be remembered so fondly.