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Pixiwoo - Natural w/definition for Darker Skintones


Active member
Sam and Nic happen to be very good friends of mine and I can assure you that whatever the flare up over the choice of word was that they would never set out to offend anyone, they are the kindest and most welcoming people I know..I do see that in America you may refer to somone as African American, that would not apply here in the UK so we us the word Black as do the Black community themselves, it isnt considerd offensive here..WOC seems like a very nice albeit very PC way around the subject of colour so I guess its whatever suits the individual when all is said and done. Please dont think for a single moment that anything derogatory was intended, that simply isnt the case..

Yes this make up tutorial was very underplayed but I thought it made a refreshing change from many looks we see on darker toned skin which can be very bright and strong and though looks like that have their place and occasions I felt this was a subtle and pleasant look that many women who are not so confident with make up could try and not get swamped with..I see, as do we all some amazing make up done on darker toned skins. In Londons Selfridges the counter girls are amazing, I could gaze at their make up for hours, honestly they are a work of art but for some women who lets face it are intimidated by (a) Make up in general and (b) the immaculately made up counter assistant this day Make Up offered by Sam is not remotely intimidating, far from it.. it is IMO Workable and wearable and most importantly achievable for normal mortals who quake at the sight of a make up counter clutching their purse and trembling in their Louboutins..

Good job nicely done, ok not to everyones taste but rest assured that both Sam and Nic are well established MUA's here in the UK their make up pedigree which is second to none and their careers bear testament to their considerable skill..


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