Places for fun and interesting makeup tips/ tutorials


Specktra Bestie
This was brought up in one of the Mac threads, but I thought it would be an interesting topic to explore.

Where do you look to get inspiration for new and different makeup application tips/ tutorials? Are there any sites that do this really well? Magazines that you've seen? Bloggers?

Personally, I love Kate (no relation, lol) from Drivel About Frivol for her "magazine Mondays" posts. The publications she features are from Asia and I find that the looks they show (which she translates for those of us who don't speak Japanese/ Korean/ Mandarin) are a little more adventurous than the standard looks that you get through North American mags, but at the same time quite wearable.

Here's a link to the magazine posts on her site:

Where do you go when you're looking for inspo?


Well-known member
Thank you for this thread, katred

I am always on the hunt for new inspiration


Specktra Bestie
The other place I look is on Pinterest, but a lot of what I find is way beyond my skill and patience level.

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
I agree about skill & patience, I need to start playing in my stash more. I like looking on boots,YT,t.v. and other mu junkies.


Well-known member
Instagram! I'm addicted to looking at makeup looks on there!
Just hashtag (#) search just about any keyword: ie: MAC, UrbanDecay, a specific palette, a specific color, etc... and you will get lots of results and can even follow MUA's you really like to see their daily posted looks!