plastic/cosmetic surgery


Well-known member
i'm really thinking seriously about getting something done. i have a really big forehead, and it's kind of to me it looks really masculine if i don't have it concealed by bangs, but doing all that styling every morning is so tiring and i know all the heat styling tools are destroying my hair. just isn't working for me at all. everytime i look in the mirror, it's pretty much all i take note of and that bothers me, so i want it fixed. and since i'm going to be making alot more money now, i'm thinking i should go and do it.

but i'm nervous. i've never had any kind of surgery before. has anyone here had any plastic/cosmetic surgery? or know anyone who has? stories? advice?


Well-known member
thread and poll about cosmetic surgery.


Well-known member
I have a huge forehead too. My dad walks up to me and smacks it , tells me I could land a plane on it. haha . (he likes to tease me) anyhow don't they like pull your scalp down some for that surgery? that sounds extremely painful ! I haven't ever had plastic surgery, just normal surgery. My mom has had some cosmetic surgery's, mainly she complains of numb areas


Well-known member
thanks, shimmer. i'm a dork, i totally didn't see that hahaha.

yeah, they do the scalp thing...i'm sure it's going to hurt tons, but i think it'll be worth better be worth it.