MAC Pro Card FAQ's & Answers!
Here's what I learned when getting my Pro card (hopefully, this helps answer many FAQ's):
What did I mail in?
-As a freelance makeup artist, just a business card & a blank bridal contract was sufficient, but I also added a bridal reference letter just in case!
Mail vs. Fax:
-I mailed my application, because you are
technically not allowed to fax it anymore unless it's for a renewal. However, people still do fax and get approved. Pro of faxing: it's faster getting approved (i.e. they withdraw the fee from your account usually one-few days later!) Con of faxing: although you do get approved quicker, it takes almost just as long to get your card & member # processed, so your membership might actually have been active for a month before you get to make any use of it!
Did they contact my reference?
-No, they did not contact my reference.
How long did it take?
-It took EXACTLY two weeks for them to withdraw $45 (I'm Canadian) from my account and then one week after that, I got my card in the mail & the e-mail with my Pro card # on the same day!
Why does it take sooo long for some people?
-I live in Toronto where the MAC Pro Membership HQ is and I'm an impatient person & kept on bugging them about my application, lol! It turns out that their "system" breaks down on them quite often throughout the week and during that time, they cannot process any applications!
How long does it take to get my card in the mail after I'm approved?
-Once you're approved in Toronto, they relay that message back to New York and the MAC Pro in NY creates & mails your card on a Tuesday. So it depends on how fast MAC Pro NY is working... it could be the following Tuesday right after your approval (like mine was) or it could be the Tuesday after that when they finally mail your card!
Once you're approved and you don't have the card in your hand but just the Pro card # they e-mailed you, it still sucks... why?
-Although you can go on and start using your discount, you gotta pay full shipping fees, because unlike the non-pro MAC website, there are never any free shipping offers! The only shipping offer you get is 5 free shippings/yr when you spend $150 or more AFTER the discount! So, unless you're planning to spend that much online (which I don't like doing cuz I like to swatch products), you gotta pay shipping.
When is the Pro discount NOT honoured?
-The Pro discount does NOT apply to limited edition items that are in any kind of special packaging (i.e. Heatherette, Hello Kitty, Holiday Sets, etc.) and Viva Glam since all their proceeds goes to the AIDS foundation. They do make exceptions sometimes when a special collection is old. For example, the left over Hello Kitty items are now 40% off online and 30% off at some stores!
Is there a maximum purchase?
-Yup! Go to and read up on their "Maximum Purchase Policy".
Where can I use the card?
-Only at freestanding MAC stores & MAC Pro stores... NOT at MAC counters!!!
Those are all the FAQ's I can think of... hope this helps!
Also, don't forget that when you do get your card & start using it in the store, you need to bring along some photo ID with you, because you cannot use the card without photo ID unless the MA's are laid-back, don't care, or know you well (which is rare!).
Good luck to all of you guys applying and I know how hard the wait can be!
Happy shopping MAC addicts!