PLEASE give me your opinion on this dress!! I need to buy it tomorrow or it's gone!


Well-known member
it's a really pretty dress from the one angle that the model shows, but when checking out the back it looks weird. i wish we could see a picture of you in it. but if your mom said it didn't look right i would trust her opinion the most.


Well-known member
.. 2 hours and counting...

thanks for the opinions you guys. I wish you all could see a picture of me wearing it too.

my mom has beautiful taste, but at the same time I feel like she has a different taste from me on certain items of clothing. She, for example, would catagorize this dress as cheap and trashy. I on the other hand think it's cute, flirty, youthful and fun. So, anything that bears a LITTLE cleavage or is a little short, she marks out completely. However, she genuinely thinks this doesn't flatter me. My co-workers thinks it looks adorable. So again, I am still torn.

I think it's about 70/30 right now, on my decision of getting it or not. I was in love with it when I first saw it and tried it on, but now I really am having second thoughts.

Hmm. I will let you guys know what happens after I get off work today.

*moment of truth...*


Well-known member
ok so I guess I'm answering too late, but whenever I'm torn on an outfit I make sure I wear it for at least 5 minutes and do typical things in it; sit down bend over, etc. Then I take pictures at all angles. If you feel like a rockstar wearing it, go back and look at the pictures later. If you still feel like you rocked it then buy it, if you aren't sure you can handle it riding up when you lean over or you'd feel even the least bit self concious then don't buy it.
For me, it all depends on if I feel like a rockstar when I put it on. If I don't have to worry about a nip slip or my hot pocket making an appearance and I love the way I feel then it's mine.


Well-known member
It Is Done



Thankfully, when I tried it on for my friend she immediately "awwed" and said it was very cute. So that was def. a relief for me...although, I do need to wear it with a nice pair of heels for the look to be *complete*. I'm not sure how to accessorize it though. Any ideas? It stands out by itself a lot so I don't think I need much.

It looks really cute on, but it squeezes out some of my arm fat
well, just a sign I need to work out a little more. And this dress DEFINITELY needs heels or it just doesn't look right.

And Bloop, I wish I could take pictures but I don't own a camera!
Maybe I can steal my dad's..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny

let's hope it was worth it! no more eating out for a month for me!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I wouldn't do any accessories except some earrings. I think a necklace would take away from it being strapless and a bracelet just seems too much to add since it isnt really a plain dress. I would wear nude heels with it to make you look even taller.


Well-known member
Thanks ladies. However I don't own any nude heels.... would black ones go good with it? I have some cute black ones I think I could wear. And, sadly, I don't have my ears pierced, so I can't pull that off
I was thinking just a nice clutch...but I'm not sure what color I could wear with that either.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I think black would be kind of harsh. It just seems like such a delicate dress for black shoes IMO.

Maybe a cream coloured clutch and shoes?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Is it bad that I'm seeing it with some patent leather seafoam green heels?

OMG that may work! haha
I have some platform six inch heels! the prettiest seafoam color!
that I bought about 11 years ago in Los Angeles and have kept them ever since...
the dress is such a pretty color, coral is it...or godess pink like on the website?


Well-known member
Re: It Is Done

Originally Posted by luvsic

It looks really cute on, but it squeezes out some of my arm fat
well, just a sign I need to work out a little more.

luvsic, you said the dress is xtra small, i'm sure you don't have arm fat squeezing out!
happy you bought it! if black is all you got for heels, then wear them!
if you are happy & confident with the way the dress looks, then no one will notice your shoes!


Well-known member
hahaha as much as I'd love to be able to find some sea foam green heels, I don't know where to even start looking for them!!

I think nude or creme colored heels and a clutch is my best bet, they are more muted so they let the dress stand out more...however, I am kind of on a budget, so maybe until I save up I can get some. Black will have to do for now.

And lol, girl I may be an extra small but I still have some curves. I am a little bigger around on the ribcage but not otherwise....sigh, something I've always disliked about my body (a bigger ribcage) oh well though, what can you do.

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