Please help me complete my MAC es quads!

This is what I have planned...any thoughts on what I could add?? I ahve completed some of the quads but feel free to suggest swapping anything around!

I usually do a smokey eye, I tend to stick to taupes, browns and neutrals but feel free to suggest any MAC es (perm, LE, disc)...I'm NW15 with green eyes with dark brown hair.

1. Shale, Yogurt, Blackberry, Quarry

2. Satin Taupe, Innuendo, Espresso, Era

3. Moth Brown, Dovefeather, Shroom, Satellite Dreams

4. Sumptuous Olive, Smut, Nylon ___?

5. French Grey, Charcoal Brown, Vanilla ___?

6. Rule, Cranberry ___? ___?

7. Haux, Mystery ___? ___?

8. Club, Aquadisiac ___? ___?



Well-known member
4. Sumptuous Olive, Smut, Nylon, Carbon
5. French Grey, Charcoal Brown, Vanilla, Coppering
6. Rule, Cranberry, Amber Light, Handwritten
7. Haux, Mystery, trax, shale
8. Club, Aquadisiac, shroom, Plumage
