Please help or I'll be the biggest freak at work.


Well-known member
Hi! I am so glad that you are getting your confidence back! You shouldn't be afraid to show your arms to the world, they are a part of who you are. Honestly, the people who judge you based on them are not worth your time at all.

I have had the same problem in my life and I have light scarring which people have noticed. Usually, people have made nasty comments to me on purpose. I never get upset by their nasty comments because i look down on them for talking to me like that. There is something wrong with a person who takes pleasure or wants to single out someone who has obviously been through a difficult time in their life.

Congratulations and I hope everything continues to go well for you!


Active member
Wow, this is me exactly. I cut myself up until I was about 18 (I'm 24 now - wow, can't believe it's been 6 years). Luckily, almost all my scars are on my upper outer thigh, so it only causes problems with bathing suits (I am limited to only boy cut bottoms).

I agree that maybe you should see a dermatologist to find out what lasers can do. I've done enough research myself on this topic to know that the scars will never go away completely, but making them less noticeable can make a big difference in the way you feel about them.

Good luck and best wishes!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry for what you went through and I'm really glad you stopped. I agree with the ladies above. You should try getting bangles, or wear a long sleeve that's really thin, or I guess you can try covering them up with concealers, and about your friends...
If they are really your friends, they won't judge you and they will be there for you no matter what.
Also, your fiance is right, you shouldn't care what people think. Maybe only the close people in your life, but people who don't matter, just ignore them. Best of luck to you!


New member
I know people are probably going to give you alot of advice about how to cover the scars and what to cover them with but you can also being doing something to help get rid of them forever. You might have to call around to find somewhere that does it, but microdermabrasions are the best way to get rid of unwanted scars. Its basically like the best exfoliate you can get. People do it normally just to their faces because it takes off 2 weeks of dead skin cells. But my friend used it to get rid of her stretch marks from her pregnancy cause nothing else worked. And then another of my friends used it for a scar on her knee that she had since she was little. It does take like 3 times of having it done but if you are that serious about it it's definitely worth it!


Well-known member
I'm not sure what everyone else has said BUT have you ever considered getting won't help in a corporate setting, but if you don't work in an office I would suggest the tattoo idea(I looove iiifugaziii's's the link... if you're kind of turned off by the idea of tattoos the only other thing I can think of is just to not cover up them at all..don't even bother, there isn't anything to be ashamed of! That's almost like asking a burn victim "are you okaaay?!" It's ignorant and rude.. If someone asks just say ,"It's private" if you come cut and dry with your response people will normally stop dead in their tracks with asking any more ignorant questions.


Well-known member
i too have scars on my arms that are very obviously self-inflicted. i am very sensitive about them because i too feel as if people will judge me as being a freak if they knew that i do that especially since most people see me as the complete opposite. anyway, earlier this month, i was talking to my boss and she noticed my arm [somewhat fresh cuts, in a demented happy face pattern] and asked me what happened. i just kind of said something totally lame and brushed it off and the subject was dropped. i just wanted to say that i wish i had read kimmy's account because her response is something i wish i had said. so thanks kimmy! also, i have been rubbing lemon juice on the scars once daily as well as using amlactin xl on them at night and the scars have lightened up visibly. hth.


Well-known member
Concealer, foundation or arm warmers (thin ones, you can search on eBay) could be a way to cover it up. Also a tattoo could be exciting =D

But I do know a very close friend of mine..actually I know a lot of people who did self harm before but it didn't bother me. It's actually a sign (for me) to be more sensitive with them because any comment/insult could trigger another depression state. I'm glad you're okay now though! Don't worry really. If your company cannot accept you for that, then they should be reported.