Please, pray for me


Well-known member
Hi everyone. Last year, I shared with Specktra that I had thyroid issues. Here is a link if anyone wants to read it:

I had a fine needle aspiration (biopsy) on my thyroid on Tuesday and it was probably the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. Maybe I'm just a huge wuss, but I kept saying "NEVER AGAIN!" to my mom the entire time. It hurt really bad to swallow and I was left with a nice, welted sorta bruise on neck. Well at least the pain has went away and the area is still somewhat bruised. I was feeling confident, but something in the back of my mind told me not to assume anything. The pathologist came in a few times during the biopsy and that alarmed my mom (she knows him personally, we both work for the hospital where I had this procedure done) because she said that usually doesn't happen.
My mom called me this afternoon at work and told me that I have to get thyroid surgery and have the right lobe removed
The surgeon that she works for, has been treating me since I stopped seeing my endocrinologist. He scheduled my biopsy. Apparently, the cells/tissue they found from the biopsy were follicular and couldn't tell if it was benign and malignant, but the follicular cells raised a question with the pathologist and my DR because there is such thing as follicular thyroid cancer.
I'm so fucking petrified. I've never been really extremely sick before, never had surgery, never had an IV put in, NOTHING like that. I just don't understand how in the hell this could happen. I realize that my dad has thyroid issues (which he has under control because of meds), his sister had thyroid cancer at a young age and had her whole thing removed and his other sister also has thyroid issues.
And I haven't felt well in FOREVER. My moods are horrible, I never have any energy, I could sleep for hours on end and still be tired. I've felt like such a demon forever that I always thought "It's just you, you have an issue" but it makes me wonder if my thyroid has been the culprit all along.
They won't know until they take out that portion of the thyroid that has the nodule growing on it if it was cancer or not.

So yes, I'm extremely scared and petrified right now. I want nothing more than to crawl into my mom's lap and bawl my eyes. Thank you for reading this.


Well-known member
Oh no! I am so sorry. I know how scared you were the other day and I can't imagine how you feel now. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. The good news is that you are keeping on top of things with the thyroid issues being in your family, instead of ignoring the possibilities. Everything will be ok. *HUGS!*


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that :/ I'm sending you all sorts of good wishes, and hope that this is just a minor inconveinience for you. Try to stay strong (I know it's tough) and get well very soon.


Well-known member
We're all thinking of you. And scared along with you.

You're stronger than you know.

You won't know anything until you know it. Do as much research as you can online, so that you're informed of the possibilities. Be informed about what is going on with your own body, learn the language so that you can understand better what is happening and ask better questions of the doctor.

Take control of the things you CAN control right now...and try to ...relax a bit on things you /can't/ control. There is so much you can't control right now, and that is what is....probably the most scary. Focus on what you /can/ do.

We're here!!


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear that


if you need anything pm me at anytime
. You are in my thoughts.


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear you are having these problems!!! We are all thinking of and praying for you. I hope everything goes well!!


Well-known member
Hey sweet girl!! I am so sorry to hear about this! I know you must be very scared right now...and I totally understand that.
Surround yourself with people that love & support you and try to stay calm and strong. You will be in my thoughts & I hope you feel better soon!!!


Well-known member
I recently had surgery and I was so scared. I had never stayed in hospital before, or had stitches, never had a blood test or anything, so I was really frightened. But once I got there the nurses, surgeon and anaesthesist (sp?) were so nice, they really put your mind at ease. It really wasn't as scary as I though it would be, sure I was in pain for a little while. But i'm fine now. It will be over before you know it. Hopefully this will be what is causing you to fell unwell, and it may be a whole lot better for you once you have the surgery. Although I did crawl into my mom's lap and bawl my eyes out more than once!

I really hope everything goes well for you, its okay to be scared but you will get through the hospital part just fine, I know you will.

I'll be thinking of you


Well-known member
I'm so sorry sweetie. No one wants surgery.
I can relate to your story. My Aunt had thyroid cancer like your sister & now she's on cynthroid meds.
2 years after she had thyroid cancer she got breast cancer. The good news is that she's in remission. Now she going for body scans & still clear.

Good Luck to you & my prayers are with you


Well-known member
I sure will be thinking about you! I'm sure that everything will be okay & hopefully after you will start to feel normal again. Take care!


Well-known member
I am so sorry you're going through this. I'm hoping for the best for you and that perhaps you will finally get some resolution with the problems you've been having.

Good luck, my prayers are with you.


Well-known member
I'm sending you as much love as I can.
Please be okay. I am hoping the best for you and that you will come out of this with better health than ever.


Well-known member
Aww, I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I knew a girl on another forum who had the papillary/follicular kind of cancer. She had this lump in her neck, had a biopsy and found out it was cancerous. She did have the surgery and ended up just fine, and cancer free. So apparently the outlook for this is pretty good, and since you're catching it early no matter what it is, it's good that you are taking care of it.

I know surgery is scary.
I've had a ganglion cyst removed from my wrist, and also had reconstructive surgery for my pinky which was screwed up in a car accident. The thought of it is terrifying, I know. But you won't feel anything like you did today. You'll put on a mask, start breathing in the anesthesia, and you will be out for the count. When you wake up, you will be on plenty of meds and probably won't feel anything for a while anyhow.

Anyways, we're all here for you wishing you the best and a very speedy recovery and you'll be fine.

Much love girlie... stay strong! (*hugs*)


Well-known member
First off Brittney you know that I have mad love for you and if you need ANYTHING please let me know. Even just to talk.

I am so sorry that you have to go through this but it sounds like you have a good team behind you. Do you know when the surgery will be?

You are in my thoughts and prayer. Please keep me updated on what is happening.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that your going through this. I know what its like to have something happen that you don't expect. Four years ago I went to the hospital for what I thought was a ankle sprain and it turned out that I had two huge blood clots in my leg. I didn't know if I was going to make it. But I was lucky and pulled through. I wish you the same luck and hope that everything works out for you. Best wishes to get well.


Well-known member
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support

The earliest they can do the operation is on September 30, nearly a week after my 22nd birthday. I really don't want to, I know that sounds bad, but I just want to hold it off as long as possible. I will be meeting with the DR on Monday just to discuss the findings with me. Since my mom works for this DR, I had given her permission to talk with him about the results of my biopsy.


Well-known member
I will be thinking of you.

I can't remember if I've shared this with you in the past, but I've gone though almost an identical experience as you. A doctor found an "odd lump" during a check-up and after many specialists and many tests, it was discovered that I had about a dozen nodules on my right thyroid - one was very large. It was getting so big so quickly and started interferring with my ability to swallow. I had a biopsy, which I found to be extremely painful, just like you (I had a stiff drink afterward). The doctor's told me they thought the best bet would be to remove my right side of my thyroid. During surgery the large nodule (then the size of a golf ball) came back as cancerous. My parents didn't tell me the results when I came out of surgery.

I had so many people praying for me. A few days after my surgery, the doctor told me that although the test results intially came back as cancer, that they retested, and the nodlule was indeed cancer-free! I am certain God had His hand in this!

So, I've been living without half my thyroid for almost six years, have had one baby since then an my thyroid levels have been PERFECT ever since. I am really thankful for that.

With all that being said, I can totally relate to where you are right now. I'm sure you're scared and anxious. And that's ok. Just ask lots of questions to your doctors and take care of yourself.

I'm pulling for you!