So my surgery is scheduled for September 30, it won't be until the afternoon, they want it to be the last case of the day in case they run into any bumps. They are allowing 3 1/2 hours for it, but I don't think it will take that long. The radiologists thought the nodule was on my right thyroid lobe, but my DR ordered another ultrasound today in his office that he did (took less than 10 minutes) and it shows it's on the right side of my isthmus, near the right lobe. Think of the thyroid as a butterfly, with a body and 2 wings. I'll be getting the body removed. When they open me up, they will determine for sure where it really is and if it's interfering with the right lobe, they will take out that lobe as well.
While being under and out, they will freeze what they take out and send to the pathologist. He can determine if it's malignant and if so, the whole thyroid comes out. However, it could take up to 3 days to do a final report, so there may be a chance that we would find out after sewing up the incision that I would have to go in again and have the whole thyroid out. I really wish they'd just take the whole thing out to begin with, it's better to be safe than sorry. Even if it's not cancer, I can live in peace knowing that I won't have to deal with it anymore and will just take thyroid medication for the rest of my life.