Please, pray for me


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this.
I truly hope everything goes well and that you're fully healthy again asap. You're a great girl (I love your youtube channel!), and everyone here is rooting for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.


Well-known member
Ah, sweetie! I'm sorry you're going through this. I'll most def. pray for you!
By the way, I strongly believe that your mood swings have a lot to do with your thyroid. Also, be strong and I'm sure that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you but if it helps any, thyroid cancer is the easiest to completely remove as it's usually detected very early. My friend at work was 25 when she found out she had thyroid cancer and had suregery last year and she is 100% fine. I'm sure that this is not what you want to hear but keep your head up, you're a strong spirit and will be fine!
Tons of hugs!


Well-known member
Brit, I know you're tougher than you give yourself credit for. Everything will be ok. I know you're scared to think about the surgery, but I know you'll come out just fine. This could be something really great...after you heal, I really believe you're going to feel well again and not have the mood swings and bad feelings. Stay positive and try not to worry! You know you're in my thoughts and prayers!


Well-known member

I know it sounds scary but you are going to be well taken care of! I know its hard (I've had 3 major surgeries before) but the best thing to do is relax, try to clear your mind, and before you know it you will be back to normal.

stay strong! keep us updated hun


Well-known member
I wish all the best for you and hope that everything turns out well!

I'm 22 (will turn 23 next february) and I've had three surgeries in my life, one of the was a really major surgery and every time I've been under general anaesthesia and had an IV. It's not that bad really, you will feel a bit disorientated when you come out of the anaesthetics but it'll go away and the IV really isn't any worse than a blood test.

The first time I had surgery I was about six years old when I had my tonsills removed. Before the operation I had been sick all the time with various infections. After the surgery I didn't need antibiotics for allmost eight years, so that helped me alot!
My other two operations happend when I was sixteen and were the the consequense of a alpine skiing accident. I fell really padly on the hill and one of the ligaments in my left knee snapped. First I had an laparoscopic surgery to the knee to see what really had happened with my knee and see if I needed other procedures. After that I had a major surgery in wich the ligament was replaced wiht an artificial one and now I can walk and run and excersise normally. My point is that allthough surgeries may frighten you in my experince despite the discomfort that they cause you the benefits in the long run outweight them. I just wan to say good luck to you and send you lot's of strenght!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I had surgery for the first time last week and I had never had an iv or anything before either and it all goes by so quick and the iv wasn't bad at all! Just keep reminding yourself that once you heal you can start living your life normally again and not always being tired and feeling crappy. I will keep you in my prayers beautiful!


Well-known member
Oh sweetie, I am so upset and scared for you. I know what it is like to have something happen to your health and what its like to have your whole world turned upside down as a result

You are in my thoughts, good luck! PM me if you ever need someone to talk to
Im a good listener

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through so much
. I will be keeping you in my prayers...stay strong, better days will come


Well-known member
So my surgery is scheduled for September 30, it won't be until the afternoon, they want it to be the last case of the day in case they run into any bumps. They are allowing 3 1/2 hours for it, but I don't think it will take that long. The radiologists thought the nodule was on my right thyroid lobe, but my DR ordered another ultrasound today in his office that he did (took less than 10 minutes) and it shows it's on the right side of my isthmus, near the right lobe. Think of the thyroid as a butterfly, with a body and 2 wings. I'll be getting the body removed. When they open me up, they will determine for sure where it really is and if it's interfering with the right lobe, they will take out that lobe as well.
While being under and out, they will freeze what they take out and send to the pathologist. He can determine if it's malignant and if so, the whole thyroid comes out. However, it could take up to 3 days to do a final report, so there may be a chance that we would find out after sewing up the incision that I would have to go in again and have the whole thyroid out. I really wish they'd just take the whole thing out to begin with, it's better to be safe than sorry. Even if it's not cancer, I can live in peace knowing that I won't have to deal with it anymore and will just take thyroid medication for the rest of my life.


Well-known member
I hope everything will be fine soon. You're in my thoughts!

I had thyroid issues in my early 20s and was on medication for 2 years. I'm ok now but I still have to go to the doctor to have my T4 and TSH checked once a year. It runs in my family, my youngest sister was diagnosed with the same problem this year.


Well-known member
Keep us posted really, I worry too, I think Meg is right and we all are! Everything will be ok, keep this in mind! It will make you healty finally!


Well-known member
Hey Sweetie,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all the way from Canada. Be strong and know there are lots of people out there sending you positive thoughts. I have never experienced any serious illness either but I have watched other people go through illness and I have seen them all pull an inner strength that I never knew they had from some unseen place. You have it in you to get through this.


Active member
I am so sorry you are going through this! My heart breaks for you.

I recently went through alot of the same things myself. Earlier this year my thyroid was extremely enlarged and I had to go through all the same things. They found 3 nodules (1 left, 2 right), which I had the needle biopsy and luckily they came back non cancerous. I still have an enlarged thyroid and I have to go back twice a year to be checked.

While I was going through this I did alot of research and it made me feel so much better once I found out that thyroid cancer is one of the easier ones to cure. That gave me some peace of mind and I am sure you already know it, but I wanted to share just in case.

No matter what anyone says to you, I know it won't help quiet those thoughts in your head and the panic you must feel right now. Reaching out and asking for support is a great thing and hopefully you are surrounded by people to help you through it all.

You will be in my thoughts.....good luck.