Please someone reply -- Im interviewing this Friday… getting nervous need opinions


New member
Hi All !!!

I am super excited!!!

I have loved shopping at Sephora for about 6 years. I am in love with creams and lotions, color, makeup and just obsessed with beauty products in general… I love high end quality brands and only like to shop through sephora. I have been secretly desiring to work at a Sephora and on more than one occasion have inquired. On those occasions I wasn't really taken seriously. I am about 40 and have a very nice complexion. I always smell good and am friendly, outgoing, witty, kind and helpful. I am the kind of woman who is not afraid to approach people nor am I afraid of hard work. I can sell.. My background was in customer service/sales for the past 25 years. I can turn a bad situation or disgruntled customer into a happy camper. I go above and beyond and always always get along with my peers.

The other day I shopped in Sephora in a new city that I am only in the past 3 months and met a director whom I asked to help me with a product. after which I saw how friendly and genuine she was with me and that is when I asked her if they needed help - I can work evenings with no restrictions..She offered me an interview on the spot for this coming Friday,….

Any words of encouragement would due greatly appreciated. I am nervous but have a lifetime of customer service and sales experience and altho I have not focused mainly on retail in general & It wasn't my main bread and butter - restaurant work was…(yeah I was on display, entertaining AND selling the food/drink products)…. I was very good at retail - its just a different product I adapted to. I have also been in my own retail business with a direct selling company for Scentsy for the past 3 years….and also dependable and reliable...

Please advise me ANYONE on where I should possibly lay the emphasis on…. I know I can sell skincare!! I know a lot about the major brands…I also can apply makeup to just about anyone - I would have to learn a lot more about the products for that one tho.
I can do computer/cashier work and will have No problem with that and I love fragrance…I am well rounded on all areas of CS and sales … Whats do you all think???

Thanks for listening and the potential replies



New member
Sorry for the late response, I know you probably already had the interview. I had one today too ironically lol, and I have to say it was the best interview that I've ever had..I didn't want to leave! A really big tip I'd say is to prepare. Research Sephora University, know that they call the floor the "stage" the uniforms are "costumes" and the staff are "cast members." Prepare a resume, cover letter, & reccomendation letters. If you have experience applying makeup & have pictures of it, create a portfolio. They like seeing someone that has done their research and that came prepared. Also, I'd say to write down some questions you might want to ask them as well (google some for inspiration), this shows them that your serious and your trying to make sure that this is the right job for you as well. When it comes to the actual interview, just be yourself and everything will be great! Good luck in the future && I hope your interview went well!


New member
Thank you so much for your reply…No one else came to my rescue. BUt I did have my first interview and am pleased I made it to a second for this coming Tuesday. We spoke about my customer service and sales experience in great detail (I did) I did sell myself enough to let them know I can fit into this environment and would really do well for them… That it would be a dream to be able to get my feet in the door and I would work hard and do well for their team. She eluded to the Fragrence and how they needed help in that area but as far as training I could learn as much as I wanted. I am free to work evenings which is a big plus to my advantage and I think they will start me at a decent wage PLUS there is a discount and the gratis on products….I will let you know how it goes after Tuesday. I think the job is mine to lose…at least I hope so…I am very enthusiastic and desire to be a part of a team - from all I have ready it is still a good company to work for…not like others that used to be in high regard and have fallen. I will really thrive in that environment which will only be a plus for them. I love people and helping… who doesn't want to be surrounded by beauty products and things that pamper a woman all day long… you can't help but stay happy and upbeat….

Thanks IZYDJOAN>>>> let me know how you make out also!!