Pleeeeease I need some help, i beg, opinions on fiance issues


Well-known member
I agree with Ms. Bloom that the most you can do is put it out there. Tell him what you want and need and see if he is going to be the guy that gives that to you. If not, don't fret too much... there are lots of other men in the world that will be more than happy too keep you happy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I agree with Ms. Bloom that the most you can do is put it out there. Tell him what you want and need and see if he is going to be the guy that gives that to you. If not, don't fret too much... there are lots of other men in the world that will be more than happy too keep you happy.

Totally agree...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by {Dear Tragedy}
It's the whole "do unto others" thing.
He's doing things to me that I know he would be wrecked over if I did them to him.

I'm such a horrible person-this is one of the reasons I have tried to eschew relationships - and I'm not picking on you, I'm telling the exact same things I've told my best friends, my family etc. So please do not think I'm picking on you. I always treat the ladies here as if I'm telling them the exact same thing I would tell my own daughter:

SO my question is- Do onto others thing- Why then, are you letting him do it to YOU?

I think as women we tend to put our men first-it's more of a subconscious thing. When we are ready that is. And we tend to allow love, or mainly emotion to blind us from what is reality.

It's just a thought- nothing more but maybe to chew on it.

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Nooo no, I completely understand where you're comin from...I'm not feelin picked on at all

I know I've let a lot go in the past, and definitely know I've put him ahead of me...which, yeah, is typically something that girls seem to wreck themselves with.
Sometimes it may come off as weakness, but I do try probably <I>overly</I> hard to understand him. The girls he's been with in the past from the time he started dating at 14 (and he's never really been single for any super long period of time) lacked a lot of self-respect...I'm soooo different from anyone he's ever been with. They were all a lot looser in a lot of different ways, and yeah, he's lucky as hell to have me.
I just don't think he ever got any idea from them how to treat a girl, and they definitely never demanded any type of respect. They didn't even know how to treat themselves.
I think he needs to fully grasp the idea that you treat people the way you want to be treated....I give him examples of things and he agrees that he'd be upset over the situation being reversed.
I dunno...maybe I sound like I'm taking on a charity case
, but I guess I do see the potential for him.
I had a talk with him last night, but need to talk more...a lot more.


Well-known member
If this is your first relationship, and he is still trying to meet women, at the very least, you aren't ready to get married. Getting married just amplifies problems, rather than being a miracle cure, so I think postponing the nuptials until AFTER all the problems have been sorted out might be advisable.

I know this is your first relationship, which does funny things in your head. All women think they are the magic woman who will "CHANGE" a guy. Honestly, it's not true. The only person that can change an individual is the individual himself.

People have this unbelievable connection to stick through anything with their first partner, and that longing is always there. Don't let that cloud your judgement on how you deserve to be treated in a relationship.


Well-known member
I know I'm young and all ( 18 ), but I also know what it feels like to be in love and to feel hurt/confused/etc from it too.. I've been with my current boyfriend for a little over 4 years now and we've been through A LOT. He's 3 years older so it's been quite an experience with the age difference, but things in my life forced me to grow up way before I should have; so I've always been mature for my age. I really think this is the guy I'm going to marry. Here's what I think..

A relationship is built on trust.. You need to have a lot of it in both each other and in the relationship for it to survive. Especially when you're planning on devoting your lives to each other, you'd better trust the other person completely.. or what will keep you together? A lot of the things that some couples base their relationships on (like sex, money, looks, etc) don't last.. And when they realize it, their relationship is finished.

It's fine to have those suspicions sometimes because those feelings you have could really be true.. But I think you have to take into consideration how he might feel/react when you confront him if they aren't. I would be upset if my boyfriend accused me of something I didn't do, too.

And I think snooping is wrong.. No one wants to be snooped on for any reason. But to be honest, I might have that urge to if I felt my boyfriend was going behind my back.. I think the best thing to do right now is to come clean about it. Be honest and tell him exactly how you feel. He will probably be mad that you abused his trust, but then again, he's guilty of doing the same.

As for the threesome suggestion, that's just wrong on his part. My boyfriend used to ALWAYS bring up his ex (not in the way yours has) and I would hate it, but he'd never get the point when I would just stay quiet. He finally stopped talking about her after I told him straight up that it hurt me that he was still thinking about her, and even had the nerve to talk about her to me. But we definitely didn't get along..

My biggest advice to you is to just be completely honest to him about how you feel.. I think, as women, we just have to accept sometimes that men will be men.. They will occasionally look at other women, think about other women, maybe even flirt. But we can't get on their cases all the time unless we absolutely do not EVER do it ourselves. You never know how much a seemingly innocent smile to another cute guy could hurt your man. Anyway, so be honest! If he isn't the least bit considerate or sensitive to how you feel about what he does, he's just an ass.. No woman should have to live with someone who doesn't truly care about her.

My boyfriend and I have had our share of ups and downs, and what's made our relationship go SOO much smoother is being able to talk about everything. If I have a problem with something, I let him know. He does the same.. We do this with anything and everything, and I think it has saved our relationship.

I can only give you my 2 cents on this. I don't know you or him personally, and I'm definitely not a part of the relationship, so I can't tell you whether to stay or go. It's cliche, I know, but listen to your heart. Only you know what is best..

I hope this helps.. I know either way it's not going to be easy. Just putting myself in your position hurts me. I'm sorry you're going through this, Sweetie.. Best of luck to you.

little teaser

Well-known member
i think everyone gave you great advice, i myself though dont think i would mention the snooping that would just help him be a lil more carefull with the cover up, but other than that i agree with the others, i m sorry your going through this and i wish you the best.

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Originally Posted by shopgood
As for the threesome suggestion, that's just wrong on his part. My boyfriend used to ALWAYS bring up his ex (not in the way yours has) and I would hate it, but he'd never get the point when I would just stay quiet. He finally stopped talking about her after I told him straight up that it hurt me that he was still thinking about her, and even had the nerve to talk about her to me. But we definitely didn't get along..

My biggest advice to you is to just be completely honest to him about how you feel.. I think, as women, we just have to accept sometimes that men will be men.. They will occasionally look at other women, think about other women, maybe even flirt. But we can't get on their cases all the time unless we absolutely do not EVER do it ourselves. You never know how much a seemingly innocent smile to another cute guy could hurt your man. Anyway, so be honest! If he isn't the least bit considerate or sensitive to how you feel about what he does, he's just an ass.. No woman should have to live with someone who doesn't truly care about her.

Thank you so much love, it means a lot to me to have people take the time out and help....

I talked to him about the threesome issue last night... he said he meant it as a joke...but he apologized and said he wouldn't want to hear the same type of thing come out of my mouth about being with two guys. He knows that in my life I've only had strong feelings about one other person before him, a person I never got the chance to be serious with, never seemed like there was ever a right time for us but it always felt like something that should've happened, and I used that guy in an example of how he would feel if I hinted at having a threesome with him and my high school flame.
We talked about a lot of other stuff that bothered me. He told me last night he wasn't used to girls caring about certain stuff that was bothering me and he never wants to hurt me...but by now he should know I'm not like the other girls he's had. Then again, I realize I shut my mouth sometimes, and these past 3+ years with him I've picked my battles maybe a little too infrequently.
This is all part of why I'd hate to just throw in the towel...but I know if I continue to feel hurt, if there doesn't seem to be a change in maturity and respect, I won't do this anymore. He told me this morning he'll do anything he can to not lose me, that if I left him he'd be a mess and that would be putting it lightly.
I just have to keep in mind that words and actions are two different things...even if that's what he feels, if he doesn't come through with it in his actions, I can't stick around.

PS...I love you guys, I really wish I had girls like you around xoxox


Well-known member
I'm glad you told him what was on your advice to you would be to follow your heart and gut feelings, and do what you have to do, whether it be stick it out, or let it go.....definitely put the marriage plans on hold until he "grows up" of luck to you....

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Originally Posted by uberlicious
If this is your first relationship, and he is still trying to meet women, at the very least, you aren't ready to get married. Getting married just amplifies problems, rather than being a miracle cure, so I think postponing the nuptials until AFTER all the problems have been sorted out might be advisable.

I 100% agree we're not nearly ready for marraige. We're not even talking about it or planning anything right now. A lot of our engagement had to do with feeling like we were ready to move in together and try it out ...kinda like a pre-marraige trial, and he felt that if we took the status of our relationship to the next level that it would make it an easier decision for me to move to Pa with him and also make it easier for my parents to deal with (coming from a very strict household).

That wasn't the case, and I flip flopped a lot on moving. He still begs me to come down...but how can I leave everyone here when I'm not 100% sure of who I'm moving to? :confused:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
I guess it brings it all down to one simple question you need to ask yourself: Is this REALLY the kind of guy you want to marry????!!!!

I was going to say the same thing .. sweetie search your soul.

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
I was going to say the same thing .. sweetie search your soul.

I know love...
I promise I'm trying to in a very weird time where things seem all unclear.

Honestly...I know it sounds like excuses, but he's very immature for his age, like an average 20 yr old guy, he even gravitates toward boys that age and younger...but I'd love to marry the mature version of him and a part of me says to myself he's gotta go through the maturity phase that most guys (well some of them at least, there are plenty that aren't gems) go through eventually.
There's the question though, do I wanna wait for that, and what if it never really comes?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by {Dear Tragedy}
I know love...
I promise I'm trying to in a very weird time where things seem all unclear.

Honestly...I know it sounds like excuses, but he's very immature for his age, like an average 20 yr old guy, he even gravitates toward boys that age and younger...but I'd love to marry the mature version of him and a part of me says to myself he's gotta go through the maturity phase that most guys (well some of them at least, there are plenty that aren't gems) go through eventually.
There's the question though, do I wanna wait for that, and what if it never really comes?


Awww honey, I'm sorry this is happening to you.

My advice would be to think about taking a break from this guy for a while. Go out, date other people, each of you take time to grow and live on your silly as it sounds, and I'm not even one to believe in fate...but if it's meant to be, you two will end up together again, in a much happier, healthier way. Sometimes it's hard to function as a nice, normal person whilst in a relationship. Perhaps some time apart will give him the chance to realize how amazing you are, and give him the time to grow up a bit without you having to deal with the stress of him doing so.

But, I know that's a hard thought to stomach, leaving him, even if it isn't forever. My boyfriend of nearly 3 years and I broke up this summer over seemingly little issues..but a few months after the breakup, we got back together, and the relationship is much better now. We just needed some time apart.

If you can't quite figure out what to do, here's a trick that I use. You know when you flip a coin to decide something silly, like where you'll be going to dinner? Like, heads is pizza hut, and tails is taco bell. You don't really care which one, so you flip the coin, and it lands on heads: pizza hut. And inside, you're going "DAMN, that's not what I wanted." Suddenly it's clear what you want, you wanted taco bell all along. Silly analogy, but do that in your head, or even in real life. Heads is keep him, tails is dump him. Flip the coin. What is your gut reaction to what lands up? (I hope you understand what I'm on about, it makes sense in my head!)

Take care, hon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by {Dear Tragedy}
I 100% agree we're not nearly ready for marriage. We're not even talking about it or planning anything right now. A lot of our engagement had to do with feeling like we were ready to move in together and try it out ...kinda like a pre-marriage trial, and he felt that if we took the status of our relationship to the next level that it would make it an easier decision for me to move to Pa with him and also make it easier for my parents to deal with (coming from a very strict household).

That wasn't the case, and I flip flopped a lot on moving. He still begs me to come down...but how can I leave everyone here when I'm not 100% sure of who I'm moving to? :confused:

I think for me, this posts clarifies a lot of things. I personally feel like you shouldn't have to have any "status" for what you guys want to try... maybe naming yourselves "engaged" is too much pressure at this point in your relationship? There is nothing wrong with knowing that someday you want to get married and not actually being engaged? Maybe you need to take a step back to gain more? I think it will make your engagement, when it comes, more valuable... instead of "we've always been engaged" ... it feels to me like you guys are trying on the title... and are scared of deviating from that because you have a lot more to loose now... if something went wrong you would be breaking off an engagement... as opposed to "taking a break" or something of that nature. I think you should be engaged after your experimental stage... even if that experimental stage is "moving in together". It's just a high pressure title for me that I wouldn't assign to something that still requires testing. This is of course all my opinion and all of this may mean different things to you... I do honestly feel that if you love each other you can work it out, no matter what it takes.

Also, thank you for updating us on talking to your fiance. I really appreciate when people take the time to give updates on an issue they asked advice for. =)

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by {Dear Tragedy}
I know love...
I promise I'm trying to in a very weird time where things seem all unclear.

Honestly...I know it sounds like excuses, but he's very immature for his age, like an average 20 yr old guy, he even gravitates toward boys that age and younger...but I'd love to marry the mature version of him and a part of me says to myself he's gotta go through the maturity phase that most guys (well some of them at least, there are plenty that aren't gems) go through eventually.
There's the question though, do I wanna wait for that, and what if it never really comes?


I guess the way I would look at it is how happy are you with things now? It's hard to say whether you should wait, because he may be super mature in a year, he may be not the guy you want in a year, mature or not. If you're absolutely miserable and feel like you gave it your all, it's fine to breakup.

I don't believe in fate or destiny, but if you wait, things don't go as you hope, and you two break up, I don't believe that you'll never find someone perfect for you or that had you not been dating this guy, you would've met the perfect person. I think relationships, even the painful ones that end, are critical for growth as long as you take time to reflect and learn. It's hard, but you do learn to love again. If you're like me, even if you maintain a friendship or acquaintanceship, I sometimes wonder what if I was on drugs. It becomes so obvious why things wouldn't have worked out.

However, I think it sounds like he's willing to try. See how that goes first. I think taking it slower may be what you need to do.


Well-known member
I'm glad to hear the updates!!

Maybe he never has had a woman in his life with the courage to stand up for her feelings. You say his previous girlfriends didn't have a lot of self-respect, so perhaps he's used to being able to get away with such things. But now he has someone willing to say, "hey, this really upsets me and you have to stop". I hope this turns over a new leaf.

If you genuinely believe that he wants to fix/change things, then by all means give it a go. But don't let it continue to happen. I speak from experience on this one. I've been in a relationship or two where I've accepted apologies way too many times, and the hurtful actions continued. As painful as it is, you have to be able to tell yourself that no matter how much you try, sometimes the other person just isn't willing to put the same effort into the relationship. That's when you have to walk away.

Good luck, hun!!!

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I think for me, this posts clarifies a lot of things. I personally feel like you shouldn't have to have any "status" for what you guys want to try... maybe naming yourselves "engaged" is too much pressure at this point in your relationship? There is nothing wrong with knowing that someday you want to get married and not actually being engaged? Maybe you need to take a step back to gain more? I think it will make your engagement, when it comes, more valuable... instead of "we've always been engaged" ... it feels to me like you guys are trying on the title... and are scared of deviating from that because you have a lot more to loose now... if something went wrong you would be breaking off an engagement... as opposed to "taking a break" or something of that nature. I think you should be engaged after your experimental stage... even if that experimental stage is "moving in together". It's just a high pressure title for me that I wouldn't assign to something that still requires testing. This is of course all my opinion and all of this may mean different things to you... I do honestly feel that if you love each other you can work it out, no matter what it takes.

Also, thank you for updating us on talking to your fiance. I really appreciate when people take the time to give updates on an issue they asked advice for. =)

Awww...after all the time and words everyone's given me I didn't even give it a second thought to update. I'm really appreciative of all the opinions and the help.

I hear ya on the importance of "engagement".
I actually said to him maybe we shouldn't be engaged yet because clearly I'm taking it more's got more meaning to me. He said "what would that change?? I gave you the ring for a reason, I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
Sooooo, whereas he sees it as the intention of getting married someday in the future, I see it as the time where you really kinda settle down and focus on building your relationship even further while you plan for marraige. Same basic idea, but different levels of meaning I suppose.
He doesn't want to "un-engage", and he even had me kinda second guessing how I interpret the term with his explanation because I guess it's all relative. So I sorta met him halfway...and I told him until I feel like we're at the point where we really marraige material, where we're appropriately settled and serious, that I wouldn't really wear the ring so much. ---like the amount I wear the ring is a gauge for how serious it is. Yes...I feel really weird writing that out and reading it. kinda sounds rediculous but it feels ok.
I don't know what it really does in essence haha, but it does make me feel better. Maybe it was just telling him how I saw things that made me feel better and the act of not wearing it relieves the pressure I was feeling. He was upset by it, but understood where I was coming from given that we are 200 miles away.
So we're engaged, but it's as odd as it is to explain, for now it's like a low-level engagement haha.

And considering everything, past present and future, I do feel in my gut there is something really special there with us.
At the same time if I can't feel the effort from him to build us to a better place, then I know I can't keep it going on my own and I'll have to let it go.

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
However, I think it sounds like he's willing to try. See how that goes first. I think taking it slower may be what you need to do.

Thanks honey, I agree. As much as I personally would love to be in a settled place with him, the timing isn't right and he's really not there yet, so I think backing up a little may be exactly what we need to do.

{Dear Tragedy}

Active member
Originally Posted by VeXedPiNk
I'm glad to hear the updates!!

Maybe he never has had a woman in his life with the courage to stand up for her feelings. You say his previous girlfriends didn't have a lot of self-respect, so perhaps he's used to being able to get away with such things. But now he has someone willing to say, "hey, this really upsets me and you have to stop". I hope this turns over a new leaf.

If you genuinely believe that he wants to fix/change things, then by all means give it a go. But don't let it continue to happen. I speak from experience on this one. I've been in a relationship or two where I've accepted apologies way too many times, and the hurtful actions continued. As painful as it is, you have to be able to tell yourself that no matter how much you try, sometimes the other person just isn't willing to put the same effort into the relationship. That's when you have to walk away.

Good luck, hun!!!

Thank you so much sweetie, I would really hate to give up without letting him prove himself after talking this over with him. I really believe he genuinely loves me.
And I have to keep in mind....I've given him this chance....if he doesn't do the right thing, even if he has the best intentions in the world, he obviously can't be the guy I need him to be.
It'll be soooo hard if it gets to that point, but I have to believe I can do it.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by {Dear Tragedy}
Thank you so much love, it means a lot to me to have people take the time out and help....

I talked to him about the threesome issue last night... he said he meant it as a joke...but he apologized and said he wouldn't want to hear the same type of thing come out of my mouth about being with two guys. He knows that in my life I've only had strong feelings about one other person before him, a person I never got the chance to be serious with, never seemed like there was ever a right time for us but it always felt like something that should've happened, and I used that guy in an example of how he would feel if I hinted at having a threesome with him and my high school flame.
We talked about a lot of other stuff that bothered me. He told me last night he wasn't used to girls caring about certain stuff that was bothering me and he never wants to hurt me...but by now he should know I'm not like the other girls he's had. Then again, I realize I shut my mouth sometimes, and these past 3+ years with him I've picked my battles maybe a little too infrequently.
This is all part of why I'd hate to just throw in the towel...but I know if I continue to feel hurt, if there doesn't seem to be a change in maturity and respect, I won't do this anymore. He told me this morning he'll do anything he can to not lose me, that if I left him he'd be a mess and that would be putting it lightly.
I just have to keep in mind that words and actions are two different things...even if that's what he feels, if he doesn't come through with it in his actions, I can't stick around.

PS...I love you guys, I really wish I had girls like you around xoxox

I'm so glad you talked about those things. And I'm glad you realize that. Best of luck to you, Hun! Trust me, whatever happens in the end.. You'll be okay! <3