POLL: Did you ever have one of those *tests* r.o


Well-known member

Yes, I said it. I took my Chem exam and it was a total of 10 questions.

With a minimum of 30 steps/question to get to the answer.

I got to take a makeup exam.

I had 1:15 min. The lady who let me take it (it was in the Chemistry office) forgot about me and I had an additional 45 minutes extra.

And I still didn't finish the test.

I was almost finished! And the lady was very nice to me when I said- "I'm almost done with this problem, I'm just checking signifigant Figures- may I please finish that?" She said- YES

BUT MY GOD IT JUST HORRIBLE! *stabs self with pen*

No those of you who are in school or out of school what was your worst test like?


Well-known member
My AP English Language and Composition Mid-Term. It was SCARY.
I missed the first exam because I'm such a twit, then I come back and take the exam and I do it in such short time I'm panicking that I completely f**ked it up. After that, I did a synthesis essay that I thought was also easy but kept panicking b/c if I think it's easy it usually means I'm going to flunk.
Luckily, I made an 8 (A-) on the essay and an 83 (C) on the multiple choice.


Well-known member
I feel your pain!

It was Pharmacology for me. I'm horrible with math, and that's all that pharmacology is. There is a reason why I dropped out of the nursing program when I was nearly done, and I think part of that reason may be that god-awful pharmacology class. I cried a lot after every test!


Well-known member
The exams for my Art History studies where we had to memorize 4000 paintings or pieces of architecture/sculpture with date of creation, the artist, place and significant details was horrible! I started to mix up everything and trying to remember 4000 different years for these things made my brain hurt!! There were, thank God, "only" 4 of these mega-exams (and everything was oral - if you were wrong the Professor could torture you even more) ... The others were manageable with only a couple of hundred pieces to remember.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Maths tests are the worst for me, i get nervous and the ones i can do, i forget. i get terrible nerves
did a resit Nov 2006 as i was 2 marks off a C, got my results few weeks ago and i got a C at last, first one for maths :|

ive had a REALLY bad test recently for AS English and i had to answer a question on representation involving summat like political correctness etc.. i thought i did alright, obv not because i got a U which is the worst grade you can get, it means Ungraded *cries*

so in june i gotta do English, ICT and Media resits (two of which i didnt turn up as i was ill) then ive gotta do a Media, ICT and English Unit 3 exam.

*bangs head* let us know how you get on!