I hate Woodwinked, Satin Taupe and Sable e/s, they just look very "unhealthy" on me.
Then the iridescent pressed powder - No matter how I try to apply it, I look like a discobowl!
I also don't know if it's just me, but I can't handle Royal Hue shadestick, it won't go on even.
Paint Pots don't work for me as a base either, it creases in no time.
And what exactly is Gentle Simmer slimshine supposed to do? It just looks like chapstick on my lips!
Oh, and I have to admit, that I don't own a single dazzleglass, to me they aren't worth the money. If I want chunks of glitter on my lips, I can still buy a drugstore gloss for 2€, that will basically look the same.