Originally Posted by Teacakeanyone
I'm pretty late to this thread, but I thought I would add that I just now found the only foundation that matches my skin and that is Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer in Porcelain. It's the only commercial and liquid foundation I've ever come across that doesn't look yellow or too dark on me! Love it!
I`m also always on the search for even a lighter foundation. Laura Mercier is hard to come by in my country, but when I´ll see it abroad I will definitely check this out, too.
There is one beautiful brand that carries make-up light enough for me (even lighter than NC 15 which I am using normally, but still wish it´d be a tad lighter). It is called
Face Stockholm. They even have white liquid foundation and super-light colours that might equal NC 5 (if it would exist in foundation). Unfortunately my skin didn´t like it that much, and now it´s used up anyhow. However, in case the ingredients suit you, it are great colours. My hope is they reformulate it one day because I seriously was considering ordering a new bottle regardless of what my skin says, just for the beautiful colour
Maybe MAC hears my prayers and makes a Select Foundation in NC 5 or white (the white Face and Body Tint from the Pro-Store was not pigmented enough for my taste)
I would like mineral make-up, but I don´t like the "mechanic" application and lots of brush-works on my skin, because it is so sensitive, and otherwise it won´t look good.