'Positions' and Pain


Well-known member
I was wondering if anyone else here had any ideas, or contributions.

When... getting intimate, I sometimes have pain. I know it could be my cervix, or womb or whatever. It's in different places. Sometimes I just know it's my cervix (oddly) but other times it feel like it's my ovaries or something.

Here's the thing. I've read articles and such on this. There were reasons why you get pain from sex.

Endometriosis? Yep, I have it severely and already had surgery last year and could have it again now, it grows so fast in me (even on the pill CONSTANTLY so I don't even have a period).

Tilted uterus? Yep, got that, too.

Ovarian cysts? Oh yeah, got one of those removed during the laparoscopy.

I should talk to my gyno about this, and I will once I see him again. (Which may be soon. Even on the pill I have cramps EVERY DAY.) And while most articles say to do woman on top, that's when it mostly hurts. And he loves it that way, but I'm afraid and I know that I'm just tense because I have to be in a very specific position to not feel any pain.

Any suggestions? Does anyone else have the myriad of problems I do? (And this is only 'lady things!') Or am I just lucky?

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Given your list of maladies & conditions, your GYN is going to be the best source of advice here. :/


Well-known member
I figured... I just didn't know if anyone else had the same stuff and might be able to advise.


Well-known member
I'm not going to give you advice on what it could be and Shimmer will probably vouch for why I will not speak on this personal subject...But I will honestly tell you from total experience...that you really need to go see your doctor...and tell him exactly what you are feeling! No two bodies are the same...Two people may have the same symptoms and for one it may be nothing serious and for another it could be something very serious. It's better to know than guess on these type things.

I hope everything is okay....and hopefully it is nothing serious at all.


Well-known member
I had pain during intercourse for a while last year, so I brought it up with my OB/GYN during my annual exam last year and he couldn't really offer me much insight, just told me that my uterus appeared to be normal in size as well as cervix. He then went on to ask "Well maybe he is too big in size?" That had nothing to do with it for me. After a while, the pain just sorta went away. There are different positions that are less comfortable than others, I can definitely say that much. I just try and stick with what is most comfortable for me and to hell with the rest


Well-known member
I had/have a lot of pain during sex sometimes and it got so bad a couple of times that I had to get a little tipsy before sex to 'numb' my 'area' I asked my mom about it and she said that her ob/gyn told her it was a 'tilted uterus', but I'm thinking about making an appointment and you should do the same! But like Brit said I usually just stick with certain positions and stay away from others...


Well-known member
I'll definitely bring it up to him, I'm just afraid it's something that's just not going to be helped. Like, because of all my girly problems.

I've already discussed with him about the endometriosis... I just had it taken out last September, and we already had to talk about another surgery; him saying it's too soon. Arg. I know it's all TMI, it's just frustrating, heh.


Well-known member
I dont have pain everytime I have sex, but it does happen sometimes. I think the only reason for me is because the guy is so big and he goes pretty deep.

I think you should definetly see ur doctor though, I hope its nothing serious!