post-interview.. please please help!!


Well-known member
Okay, so I know a lot of people post on here regarding interviews/getting jobs at MAC, so I really hope you don't mind another one. It's just that I'm getting antsy..
I used to work for another cosmetics company, but it was pretty much known that I belong at MAC, I have the talent and passion for it. Recently, one of my friends from another counter let me know that MAC would have an opening soon, I went right over and asked the counter manager about it. Well, he remembered me from shopping there and asked me to meet up with him as soon as my shift was over to discuss getting a demo-interview ASAP. He told me he though I'd be great for the counter and really wanted to get the process going.
I had my demo about a week and a half ago.. A few days ago I brought a thank-you card to the counter for the counter manager and his assistant told me that she's heard a lot about me and would make sure the card got to the manager.

I am getting really antsy because I haven't heard anything from anyone
.. I had to leave my old company for something full time and let me tell you, I HATE my new job, it's awful. I don't want to stalk out the counter manager at MAC, but I really want to know what's going on because my new job is the worst, I want to cry every time I go in. I think I did well on my demo, I was very careful about sanitation ( the trainer told me he loved me haha). The regional manager said my eyeliner was a little off, but that's the only thing that went wrong( and honestly, the eyeliner was good considering she was a major blinker). I just really wish I knew if I'd hear from them or not... What should I do?!?


Well-known member
I think patience is key. It takes a few days for the decision to be made as its not only made by the Counter manager but also by the MRO or SMRO, just be patient and try to make the most of your current job. Sounds like you did amazing and remember to just stay positive ok? Let us know when you hear back! Best wishes to you!


Well-known member
From what you said it seems like you did a great job and they loved you!
To work at MAC you definetly need a LOT of patience, it took me 3 months with the whole interview process and paperwork. After the demo I waited for 3 weeks and thought they had forgotten about me lol. But im sure they'll give you a call soon, if you dont hear from them you should call them and ask for an update. Goodluck!