Post what your most terrified of!!

Professor Fate

Well-known member
i am terrified of the rest of the human race evolving into complete idiots while i remain the only competent being left alive.

it seems that this becomes more real everyday.


Well-known member
Flying and deathly afraid of something happening to my daughter before I die....just lock me in the padded cell now!


Well-known member
creepy crawlies. Insects, and heights. Oh and mimes. Mimes creep me out a million times more than clowns.


Well-known member
I'm gonna jump on the insect wagon. Top of the list is definitely cockroaches. I had a couple in my apartment from my neighbors (I am obsessively clean for this exact reason), and I freaked the hell out. I was so paralyzed with fear my boyfriend had to carry me out of the apartment to go get dinner because I was so disturbed. I don't know what it is about those little monsters, but I find them terrifying. I also don't like those little thousand-legged creepies that crawl out of drains, and spiders. I was visiting my parents once and had some new MAC I had just purchased on a table...a spider started marching across the lipstick, and I screamed for my mother to come remove it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
lol.. for me it's ONE thing and ONE thing only...


i HATE them and i am unaplogetically terrified of them.. the easiest way to get me to cry and behave in a most un-lady like manner, is for me to see a cockroach.. ugh.. yuck.. barf..

So, I'm guessing "Joe's Apartment" is not at the top of your favorite movie list. :)


Well-known member
Scorpions!!!!!!! I am so scared of them.. Mountain lions, anything happening to my kids- I have a repetive dream about finding one of my little boy drowned- he repeated a description of a dream he had about being in the water last year after christmas he had a similar flood dream - I think its a past life thing. But losing a child to drowinging is one of my biggest things I flip out, I Loved living in New Mexico because their dad couldnt want to go to the lake. After seeing the wildfire sunday I'm adding that to my list. My house catching on fire. Snakes, hate them passionately, flying, roller coasters, ferris wheels, earthquakes, I'm a big baby.


Well-known member
Death...which leads to my being absolutely terrified of walking alone when it's dark. I'm very afraid that I'll get attacked or raped, even though I live in a safe town

And also clowns.....ugh, creepy.

And centipedes...if I see one I start to hyperventilate and cry :\


Well-known member
Clowns, human-like dolls, mad ppl,flying objects flying near me, heights, death, loneliness/emptiness, unfriendly spirits, etc.

Hmmm.... or maybe I shld do a what I'm not terrified of list instead :p


Well-known member
Silly things - Spiders, nails on a chalkboard
Real things - not making an impact on the world before I die, my leukemia coming back.


Well-known member
CLOWNS - I AM TERRIFIED OF THEM!!!!!!!!!! ( Thanks to the movie Poltergist - I saw it when I was a kid and have been afraid of them ever since.)

My son when he has seizues - he has Eplispy

The fear of something ever happening to my family.

Everything else I think I can handle


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
Silly things - Spiders, nails on a chalkboard
Real things - not making an impact on the world before I die, my leukemia coming back.


IMO, u're a very brave woman but still, I want to give u more strength & care :x


Well-known member
Definitely cockroaches. Wow, do I ever freak out when I see one.

But my greatest fear would be losing a family member, my daughter especially. I'm fiercely protective because of it.


Well-known member
I'm jumping in the insect/crawling/multilegged stuff, i can't stand insects and most of all, spiders.
dentists, i fear them ever since i was a kid
getting shots (injections?) funny thing is i love getting pierced and i do look when i get em, and tattooed too.
labor pain.
death in general, well not exactly death but, losing someone tragically and/or suffering the loss, grieving, mourning. I've never experienced a close loss in my 22 yrs of life and i fear when i lose someone i will not be able to overcome.

anything happening to my boyfriend, parents, bother and sister.
and (laugh if you want) people pointing knives at me. i love knives, daggers, swords in general, but i flip out if someone points them at me :S

and to join in with you girls, MAC dissapearing, that would be awfuul


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
Silly things - Spiders, nails on a chalkboard
Real things - not making an impact on the world before I die, my leukemia coming back.

Honey, you've already made an impact on the world. So you can cross that off your list.

P.S. I miss that avatar on LJ!