Just about 99% of all publicated images for magazines.. books... ect. are all PS. Its the nature of the bussiness making everything look beautiful, and flawless. MU artist can do thier very best job and put in 100% effort in their clients... but u work with what u have.. u have to be relaistic.. ( u cant work miracles) every single human on this earth is not flawless no matter what amount of MU u put on, some flaws cant be covered with MU. So i dont think its the MU artist doing a poor job putting MU on. At the same time u have to understand the nature of photgraphy also.. most photographers shoot in (RAW image form) so that it can be edited....since JPEG's are not that great for editing... so saying that (RAW Images show everything.. literally EVERYTHING... (just guessing) i want to say since this was taken professionally that it was taken in RAW form 2: the type of lighting that is used for a photoshoot is very harsh on someones features, so in situations like that it calls for editing. Personally i dont think Gwen looks that bad, 2: i think i want my picture PS'd hehehehe lol