Prenatal Education


Well-known member
Hello ladies!!

let´s share all that prenatal education tips! you know theres a lot of information on internet, and as a new mom I will love to tried everything...heheh

I listen those Baby Mozart music, it´s very soon in my pregnancy for that, but it´s like a relax time for me...

some of them are expensive like that baby plus system, and I dont know if it worth it...

so what´s yours?? what did you like?? what did work for your baby?? please share...

sorry about my poor english...TIA


Well-known member
Eat healthy.
Get exercise.

The easiest way to lose the babyfat is to not gain it in the first place. A pregnant woman isn't 'eating for two'. Eating well and staying hydrated are key.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Eat healthy.
Get exercise.

The easiest way to lose the babyfat is to not gain it in the first place. A pregnant woman isn't 'eating for two'. Eating well and staying hydrated are key.

I didnt know the "eating for two" wasent correct (o.o), thank you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Eat healthy.
Get exercise.

The easiest way to lose the babyfat is to not gain it in the first place. A pregnant woman isn't 'eating for two'. Eating well and staying hydrated are key.

I didnt know the "eating for two" was not correct (o.o), thank you

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