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Im no genius when it comes to american politics and government. I've heard "things" by folks who are no experts in this topic either, "things" such as it takes a president years to see its effects on the economy, so what we are seeing today is the result of former president clintion, whattt~?? How? Who could let this happen!? Gas prices are up, Food prices in the super market are rising, people are getting laid off left and right hence unemployment is up up up, the stock market recently hit a HUGE plumage downward... ok anyways
My question is HOW!? I know its a mixture of problems such as the war which everyone knows the US is spending $1 billion a day on it, etc... so who would you vote for now? Mccain or Obama?
Im no genius when it comes to american politics and government. I've heard "things" by folks who are no experts in this topic either, "things" such as it takes a president years to see its effects on the economy, so what we are seeing today is the result of former president clintion, whattt~?? How? Who could let this happen!? Gas prices are up, Food prices in the super market are rising, people are getting laid off left and right hence unemployment is up up up, the stock market recently hit a HUGE plumage downward... ok anyways
My question is HOW!? I know its a mixture of problems such as the war which everyone knows the US is spending $1 billion a day on it, etc... so who would you vote for now? Mccain or Obama?