Pretend drunks....


Well-known member
welp I'm currently buzzbuzzbuzzed as well but I do know about fake drunks! Dealt with a lot of them in high school, mostly underclass girls who wanted to be seen as cool = drunk (ah, sweet sweet hs memories).

All I remember thinking is dang, you think u gotta be drunk to look like ur havin fun? But now being a tiny bit older and talking to close friends who do the same, I realize it can be just as embarrassing for someone to NOT be a social drinker, so for them it's just easier to fake being drunk than to spend a night explaining to 3423423 guys that wanna buy them a drink, that they're simply not a drinker.

hope that mak es sense. I feel some editing coming on tomorrow LOL!

ps..surely u don't have cankles! I'm sure its all in your head


Well-known member
Ugh pretend drunks are like pretend smokers--they only do those things because they think it's cool but the truth is they can't really handle it.


Well-known member
ooh... i know of some pretend drunks. There was this one girl, she used to have one drink and get so "drunk". She would behave like she was so super drunk and start dirty dancing and basically behave so loud and strange that the whole group of us would get stared at by other ppl around us. It was kinda embarrassing really.


Well-known member
That's funny. No, don't know of any "pretend drunks," only real ones! My brother has always said he wanted to get some non-alcoholic beer and a bunch of his friends together to see who gets "drunk" first! Haha...don't think it would work though, all his friends are "real drunks" too

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I know what you mean. It's really annoying but it's only embarassing themselves.

I wonder if people think I'm like that because I actually do get really tipsy after just one drink. I guess it doesn't really matter.


Well-known member
First of all, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who goes on specktra buzzed! Haha

And I've never met a pretend drunk, everyone I know pretends to be sober, so that the bartender or whoever doesn't cut them off. Honestly I only start feeling drunk after I go home and lay down and everything starts spinning - makes me want to hurl.


Well-known member
its great to read this right now heeh.
i am drinking at this moment. nothing
heavy just a beer but its just fun to know
that other people drink and go online at
the same time. ahha.


Well-known member
I've had some (now ex) friends who would portray themselves to be more intoxicated than they really were.

The only fun in having them around was to humiliate them further-it's not that they'd matter, they'd all be too "drunk" to remember the next day what we had subjected them to.

For the record, I didn't mean that in a creepy date rape kinda way, just a "have them say really stupid stuff and maybe pee on their head" kinda way.


Well-known member
The girls who I know who are all fauxdrunks are just usually seeking attention, to be the center of whatever is going on. Being drunk means they have an excuse to be loud and obnoxious without consequence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
The girls who I know who are all fauxdrunks are just usually seeking attention, to be the center of whatever is going on. Being drunk means they have an excuse to be loud and obnoxious without consequence.

hmmm good point!


Well-known member
there are these two girls i work with and i heard one of them telling this girl that they were pretending to be drunk so they could take pics and post them on LAME.


Well-known member
I can't imagine this. Why would someone pretend to be drunk? lol Maybe they really are drunk. I used to get smashed after 2 drinks. Now, it takes more than that ...


Well-known member
I can always tell someone's faking it when they stumble around screaming in everyones ear "IM SOOO PLASTERED" lol It's like uhh everyone knows you're not. I usually just laugh at them.


Well-known member
I don't know of any fake drunks thank god. Except this one guy I used to be friends with, supposedly acted like a jackass after just one cooler. I think it was his first drink ever and he was a lightweight but even me, my first time drinking one cooler [and I'm tiny] had hardly any effect on me.
Fake drunks annoy me though. It just makes them look stupid if anything. When I'm drunk, I don't try to hide it [unless I'm around family] but I don't go off telling everyone I'm drunk either. Just enjoy the real buzz. Otherwise don't drink it.


Well-known member
Well, I did know a guy who didn't drink at all but would act loopy when around other people that were drunk. But it was kinda fun. It would have been a buzzkill to be around someone completely sober while we were ridiculously smashed lol.