Price Increase?


Well-known member
But essetially it is abot Mac wanting to make money, cause with the current economic situation,a nd the increase in fuel, Mac's profits will be suffering, and so they are increasing them to cover the gap in profits due to fuel, thus, it is down to both the economy which thus in turn reflects the money Mac makes Quote:
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
the dollar value isn't the same in the economy. a dollar in 1972 is different than a dollar in 2002 and prices rise and fall accordingly. its not about MAC wanting to make more money necessarily, it's an economic thing.


Well-known member
Due to inflation and the economy, it seems fair that prices need to go up, the only thing that isn't fair is that wages are not increasing in line with inflation


Well-known member
UK prices have gone up £1


Well-known member
I know it's so unfair, cause it doesn't seem like it, but if you want to buy a few things it knocks your budget out of sync


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
UK prices have gone up £1

Really? On everything?

I was just on the MAC site, and eyeshadows are still a tenner, and pigments are still fifteen pounds...
Urgh, I hope they don't go up any more. The UK are paying extortionate proces on MAC as it is, compared to America.


Well-known member
I also noticed that another makeup site from which I purchase goods also raised praises from $0.01 - $2.00... messed up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey4415
Due to inflation and the economy, it seems fair that prices need to go up, the only thing that isn't fair is that wages are not increasing in line with inflation

Seriuosly? I thought that minimum wage in the US was increasing? I know i was getting paid $4.90 as a server and im suppoed to be getting $5.25/hr soon....... am I wrong? I dont keep up on this stuff very much that's just what I heard from a lot of people...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Seriuosly? I thought that minimum wage in the US was increasing? I know i was getting paid $4.90 as a server and im suppoed to be getting $5.25/hr soon....... am I wrong? I dont keep up on this stuff very much that's just what I heard from a lot of people...

Gosh, your minimum wage is so low, no wonder everything's cheaper in America! Here the minimum wage is nearly €9/hour I think, which is around $14


Well-known member
Originally Posted by -moonflower-
Gosh, your minimum wage is so low, no wonder everything's cheaper in America! Here the minimum wage is nearly €9/hour I think, which is around $14

servers get paid less per hr because they make tips. minimum wage is still low. where i live it has risen to $7.15. believe me, if you have to live off just minimum wage, high end makeup would not be in your budget. it barely affords you anything but necessities.


Well-known member
Yeah, in Cali, the minimum wage is $8 an hour which is high compared to the rest of the nation, but it's SO expensive to live in Cali. I think we have the most expensive gas prices.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
Yeah, in Cali, the minimum wage is $8 an hour which is high compared to the rest of the nation, but it's SO expensive to live in Cali. I think we have the most expensive gas prices.

In San Francisco I hear minimum wage is going up to $11 something an hour...but you're right, with gas and the cost of living that's not really ANYTHING!!! I think right now it's like $9.15.....

I know that people making around $50,000 a year here isn't enough to survive with this bad economy,.....*sigh* long ago I would've been uber happy making that much....

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