ProActiv Discussion


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Proactive worked for my aunty as she had adult acne , but I tried it when I was 15 as she was raving about it .. it worked for a while but i found it too harsh on my skin i had red patches and i started to peel alot .. i guess its a hit or miss ..

I am using an Australian product now called Australian Skin Approved Products (A.S.A.P.) and im seeing good results and the good thing is its for everyone .. not just for those who get breakouts ..


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Originally Posted by tropical_smiles
this product not only worked wonders for me, but two of my best friends as well. I use to get those crater acne. But I found out through talking to pro activ reps how to use the product. Be fore warn that the first month will probably suck big time. Proactiv will make you break out and they do admit to that. The only thing that people do warn alot is that they stop the use right away. The reason you break out the first few weeks is because it's forcing all the dirt from under your skin. But you just have to suck it up and deal with it. For me, it was the second week that sucked, my best friend did three weeks and now all three of us have clear skin. I only use proactiv once every three days. What happens with proactiv is that it will dry out your skin (like the comments above). But what people don't realize is that the more it dries out, the more the skin will naturally produce more oil. Only you will figure out how often you should be using the product. The first few days your skin will be so dry but after that your face will become really oily. So it's up to you to figure it out how much you need to wash your face with the proactiv solution.

All in all, I love it to death!!! you should definately try it but do speak to the people at the kiosk first. They will be ablet o analyze your skin and give you a rough idea of how frequenly you should be using it. Proactiv shouldn't be a morning and night wash treatment at all. That is where people go wrong with the product

thanks for the info! but they dont sell it at a kiosk or anything in the UK .. we have to either buy it off a shopping channel or the website which sucks. i dont think i will be buying it now anyway as i have my eye on biotherm stuff now


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

I used ProActiv from January of '04 until January of '07. I had the occasional breakout and just wanted something to keep that in check. ProActiv wants you to use a dime sized amount of each product, but even using a small amount and having it on auto ship every 90 days, I still wasn't using it all up.
ProActiv made my skin worse. The step 3 repairing lotion make my skin extremely oily, just in the T-zone. But my skin was also dry, like around my cheeks and chin. It didn't do too much to keep the breakouts at bay, but even if I slipped up for one lousy day, I broke out worse.
I guess I continued to use it for so long because I was desperate. It did the same thing to a MAC m.a. that I met and she totally suggested Murad. Still haven't tried it, but am looking into it.

The only product I liked from the ProActiv lineup is their sulfur mask. I forget the exact name of it, but it worked really well. I would use that during the shower 2x a week and for spot treatments. That's the only thing I would ever buy from them again.


New member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Hmmmm....just comes down to everyone's skin being different. Hormones, genetics, stress...stuff like that. I suffer from cystic acne, and hormonal flare-ups...seems I always have something going on. It's about finding out what works for YOUR skin....ya know??? but, when I use Pro-Active skin clears up and has great tone and texture. I am 34.....but, whatever your skin-care is about finding the right one...and being consistant...which can be my downfall, and throws me into a break-out. rock on ladies.....


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Also, forgot to mention... if you;re not dedicated to a skin care rountine, its probably not going to work for you anyways... if decide you're too tired some nights and dont use your cleansers (proactiv or otherwise) you're probably going to get a breakout and not the desired result from the product. I find if I dont use my proactiv for even a night.. my skin can be a disaster. Thats how acne prone I am. Proactiv is a MUST for me. Even when its 3 in the morning and I've been out with the girls, I still use it.


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

It totally worked for me, but dyed my sheets and towels. So now my lavender sheets have bright pink patches and my tan towels have bright orange patches. After this discovery, I decided to use this only when I have my period and use Sonya Dakar acne line the rest of the time.


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Originally Posted by Divinity
It totally worked for me, but dyed my sheets and towels. So now my lavender sheets have bright pink patches and my tan towels have bright orange patches. After this discovery, I decided to use this only when I have my period and use Sonya Dakar acne line the rest of the time.

Just FYI for whoevers thinking of using proactiv, Ive had instances where its bleeched sheets and towels, but only once or twice and then I figured out how to stop it, just keep the product in your sink and on your face, the only step you need towels for is the first one... once you rinse the cleanser off your face you wont need a towel again, if you have excess product on your hands after you've applied proactiv, WASH it off in the sink, dont use a towel and get all the proactiv on a towel.


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

I had a strange experience with ProActiv. I used it for about a month INCONSISTANTLY and my skin kind of cleared up. However, after a while it plain didn't work for me anymore. I really want to try it again because I've heard great things about it, and after reading a few posts here I think I definately want to try it again (my skin is not good at the moment.) I just need to stop being lazy and actually use it every day for a few months


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

nope didnt work or me at all...and since then ive been on 4 different types of prescription acne medication from the dermatologist. 3 of them didnt work (differin, etc) and im finally on one that works for me (benzamycin).


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Originally Posted by tropical_smiles
this product not only worked wonders for me, but two of my best friends as well. I use to get those crater acne. But I found out through talking to pro activ reps how to use the product. Be fore warn that the first month will probably suck big time. Proactiv will make you break out and they do admit to that. The only thing that people do warn alot is that they stop the use right away. The reason you break out the first few weeks is because it's forcing all the dirt from under your skin. But you just have to suck it up and deal with it. For me, it was the second week that sucked, my best friend did three weeks and now all three of us have clear skin. I only use proactiv once every three days. What happens with proactiv is that it will dry out your skin (like the comments above). But what people don't realize is that the more it dries out, the more the skin will naturally produce more oil. Only you will figure out how often you should be using the product. The first few days your skin will be so dry but after that your face will become really oily. So it's up to you to figure it out how much you need to wash your face with the proactiv solution.

All in all, I love it to death!!! you should definately try it but do speak to the people at the kiosk first. They will be ablet o analyze your skin and give you a rough idea of how frequenly you should be using it. Proactiv shouldn't be a morning and night wash treatment at all. That is where people go wrong with the product


Personally, I find the toner is my favorite thing. The cleanser is kinda crap IMO, and the Repairing Lotion isn't anything you can't pick up at the drugstore. Also, I think the system works better for non-inflamed acne, such as blackheads and whiteheads, rather than cystic, papules, or pustules.

Also, your skin does purge when you attempt to get rid of your acne. If I sleep with my makeup on for 2 nights, it takes me about a week to clear it up and I find it really does get worse before it gets better!

And if you use the repairing lotion be careful with your clothes/bed linens. Benzoyl Peroxide (in the face wash and repairing lotion) bleaches them.

In my experience, proactive worked but only used at night, every other night. Since I'm experimenting with different regimens right now, I use it only every now and then. If you can, try emailing their customer service and perhaps they'll help you figure out how to use it with your skin type should you decide to try


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

This product is so popular but i never tried it before. A friend of mine is using it and she likes it a lot, she said it heals her acnes but i don't think it works for her. Her skin looks crazy burns her skin... her face is all red... i don't wanna say bad stuffs to hurt her feeling. =[


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

I tried Proactive about 5 years ago after I quit taking BCP and my skin started breaking out. It was awful, harsh and didn't help at all. Then I started using Murad Acne complex with much, much better results.

With that said, there are a couple of products in this line worth noting; unfortunately, unless you can find them on ebay, you have to be a member of their "club" to order and receive autoshipments; I can't stand this and no longer order from them at all....

1. The sulfur mask is wonderful, not too harsh and a great spot treatment. I now use the sulfur refining mask from Murad; they're essentially the same thing.

2. ProActive Solutions offers foundation for oily/acne prone skin. This was the first time I had ever tried makeup geared for my skintype and I really liked it at the time. It didn't clog my pores, but it didn't control the shines either. I still had to carry blotting papers around with me, something I no longer have to worry about. Until I discovered mineral makeup, I kept up with my membership just so I could order this!


New member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

Ive used Proactiv twice - the first time was a 3 year stint - my skin was quite good, not totally clear but enough for me to feel better. Went off it the first time because my skin started to become really dry. My acne came back, decided to go on it again, but my skin just became red and raw and it stung and burnt everytime i applied it. Thank goodness they have the money back guarantee. Ive since read the book Skin Type Solution and using products recommended for my skin type and ive noticed a huge difference. Im starting to think my recent acne was caused by the Proactiv - my skin was irratated and really dry therefore breaking out. I figure if i be nice to my skin and use the appropriate products i will be fine. That said Proactiv can work for some people - however i think BP is too harsh for people with senstitive skin.


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

When I went to Japan, my skin broke out like CRAZY from the humidity. It was like nothing I had ever experienced and nothing I did would make it go away. Proactive made it nice but.. don't use the moisturizer. It's very drying.


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

I recently started using Proactiv because my acne was getting worse. It was really started to affect my self-esteem. So far so good! I still get some acne but it's nothing like it was before and it clears up by the next day or two.

I like Proactiv because it's a forced regimen. I started using it once a day (at night). At night I remove my makeup with a removing towelette and wash my face with a gentle cleanser. Then I take a dime size of the renewing cleanser and smooth over my face. I leave this on for a minute or two. Don't scrub too hard (my skin gets super irritated if I do this). Then after that use the toner and let it dry. This is where I use moisturizer and let it sink it for a few minutes then apply the repairing lotion. Afterwards I do sunscreen and/or makeup.

After doing it for once a day for awhile, I felt my skin was ready for twice a day and I bumped it up to that. I don't think the Green Tea Moisturizer is great, but the sulfer mask is pretty awesome.

I used to have the oilest skin the world (blot and powder by 1pm every day) and now my skin is super dry! Like, uncomfortably dry. I purchased a moisturizer for dry skin today so hopefully that helps. But it's nice not to be so shiny all of the time.

Likes folks mentioned there is the potential of bleaching your towels and sheets. I haven't had a problem with my sheets but I started using white face towels specifically so they don't bleach. It could also bleach your clothes, I think this happens when the repairing lotion hasn't dried all the way. Once it's dry it seems to be fine.

I will be reordering Proactiv because like I said my acne was getting outta control. FYI you can customize how often the auto delivery happens (doesn't have to be every 2 months if you aren't using all of the product). At first I thought it was super expensive, but if it works I'm okay with it and I don't use alot of product at all so I think it will last a long time. Also I was wasting money trying alot of different products that didn't work so now I just need to buy Proactiv and a gentle facial cleanser (I like to pre-wash before the renewing cleanser so I don't have to use as much and scrub too hard). I'm also OCD about removing any traces of makeup at night since I usually wear a full face of makeup.

I hope this helps someone!


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

I absolutely hate proactiv.
I didn't really have much problem with acne when I started using it. I used it for a few days and I started getting cystic acne, which I NEVER had problem with. When I stopped using it, my acne started getting worse. Now my skin is worse than it was before, getting more and more cystic acne and little bumps all over my face. Thank you proactiv for ruining my skin.


Well-known member
Re: Does Proactiv work for you?

I had TERRRRRIBLE acne back in high school (I actually cringe now when I look back at some of those pictures), so Proactiv was one of many things that I tried. Used it for a few months and it didn't even make a dent in my acne. It was bad enough that I had to go on Accutane (guidelines then were quite strict, but now I've been told it's even harder to get and there are more hoops to jump through). Thankfully, I was closely monitored, so the only side effect I had from the Accutane was dry lips and scalp and the acne cleared up wonderfully (although I still have scarring). I'm sure Proactiv works for some, but that someone is not me.


Well-known member
Just a little background: I'm 25 going on 26 this April, and for the last year i have been breaking out ALOT!! I've tried a few over the counter things, Cetaphil, Clean and Clear 3 step, Neutrogena vibrate thingy, & Cindy Crawford. Last Thursday i got Pro Active. Now i dont have Oily skin so its a little harsh on my face, but nothing i can't handle. Its been about 4 1/2 days using it twice a day as directed.
I've noticed that i have a few more break outs. My question is, " is that normal? Does ur skin break out more at first cause its getting out all the oils and dirt, then it will start clearing, like a facial?

MY second question is, if this Pro Active doesn't work, im thinking its my foundation and if they have changed the formula. Anyone know if Revoln Colorstay changed their formula in the last year or so?

Thank you.


Well-known member
I tried Proactiv about 4 or 5 years ago because I was breaking out BAD. I think it was mostly due to stress at my shitty desk job. Hated it. I broke out even worse with Proactiv. I called their customer service and they said it was normal, that with continued use it would clear up within a few weeks. It didn't. It dried me out, too. I might have cleared up if I hadn't been working such a shitty and stressful job, and from what I remember I was using MAC studio fix powder as well, which also did not help the situation.

For me, it suck suck sucked. But some people have seen miracles with it. Commercials on tv say they have a new gentler formula, but I still don't wanna try it again.

As for Revlon Colorstay, I don't think they've changed formulas? I use it, too, but only on the weekends when I'm getting all sexied up. Are you sure you're removing your makeup completely before you use Proactiv? Because that's really important. Find some really good makeup removing wipes or face wash and use it before your Proactiv regimen. I hope you start clearing up soon though, I know how uncomfortable it makes me feel when I have a bad breakout. Especially when I'm using products that are supposed to make my skin CLEAR!!! Every person's skin is different. I hope it works for you.

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