Project Runway


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Ok, first...the All Star challenge! I felt all heart-squishy seeing them back in the work room, just like old times. I want to stick Daniel in my purse and take him home with me. Chris was adorable and I'd hug him for days if I could. It was so fun to watch, and Santino was as loud and obnoxious as ever, snap! Loved it.

Now, the newbies! The first challenge was a good one, imo. I thought it was interesting that they had the All Star's do a red carpet look in their mini collection, and then the new contestants had to do the same. I doubt that was done on purpose, but for a Project Runway nerd like me it was cool to compare none the less! I wish this had been a longer episode. I don't even know who I like yet, we don't know much about any of them! I adore Tim and really can't wait to watch the new contestants make it work!


Well-known member
Who's excited for the new season? Make it work, people.


Well-known member
Who watched the first episode of the new season this week? Casanova killed me, he's like a caricature. Loved Michael Kors' commentary, as usual......such as, "A pole dancer in Dubai" -


Well-known member
Am I the only fan of this show? I am loving this season! Casanova kills me......and Gretchen is way too full of herself, although she is talented.

I'm rooting for Mondo!


Well-known member
I loooooove this show! Casanova is using his "lack of english" as an excuse. He understands everything perfectly. And I agree, so far, I have loved everything that Gretchen has designed (except maybe the first week) but she really is getting a little too full of herself!


Well-known member
I love this show too! I'm also rooting for Mondo...he's refreshing, dig him.

Gretchen couldn't be less likeable! OMG, sure she's talented, but damn...if I had to spend 3 minutes alone with her it would be my own personal hell. Casanova cracks me up, but he'll be gone pretty soon I think. The cast this season is all over the place, I love it!

MK, as always, is priceless: "She looks like a transvestite flamenco dancer at a funeral".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Camnagem

MK, as always, is priceless: "She looks like a transvestite flamenco dancer at a funeral".

My personal favourite from this season so far has been: "She's a pole dancer in Dubai." MK always has the sound bites on point! Love him.


Well-known member
Last night's episode was a doozy! I feel bad for AJ, Gretchen should have gotten the boot. And Tim totally called her out! Maybe she will be humbled by this, she really needs to get over herself.

Those "grandpa sweaters" were truly awful. What were they thinking?


Well-known member
I love Tim, so so much...even more after totally calling out Gretchen.

That episode was nuts! I agree that Gretchen should have been sent packing, why didn't anyone stand up for themselves on that team? Did she spike the water or brainwash them? I dunno, those horrible sweaters!

They were so mean to Michael. I just wanted to hug him when he started crying. Maybe he isn't as talented/technically proficient as others, but he certainly doesn't deserve to be treated like trash.

I want to own Casanova's stunning blouse! I'm so glad he was able to get out of his funk and deliver. There's something kinda charming about him in a really needy way, to me at least.

Yay for the underdogs!


Well-known member
Casanova, such a sensitive boy!
His personality has certainly been most entertaining. My fave designer is still Mondo - I hope he makes it to Bryant Park!

I felt bad for Michael C as well - I mean, WTF people? That was just wrong. I hope this whole incident dethrones Gretchen from her high horse. I was impressed with her designs at first, but now she just makes me sick.


Originally Posted by MzzRach
Casanova, such a sensitive boy!
His personality has certainly been most entertaining. My fave designer is still Mondo - I hope he makes it to Bryant Park!

I felt bad for Michael C as well - I mean, WTF people? That was just wrong. I hope this whole incident dethrones Gretchen from her high horse. I was impressed with her designs at first, but now she just makes me sick.

i agree so much about michael! gretchen was just wrong for totally calling him out the way that she did. i was so surprised but kind of glad that tim came out and called her out on what she did when they were on the runway.


Well-known member
I can't stand Gretchen and Ivy. They're so mean! Well, everybody is mean to Michael C. It's so sad.
I wanted him to win before he even designed anything just to quiet the meanies.

I liked Michael C's shirt tonight. It said "Thank you Mood" on it. Hah


Well-known member
Aaaah April is definetly my favourite, and then of course Mondo.

I was so glad that Michael won this week, just to piss off Gretchen! He made them eat their words about him and his "lack" of sewing skills.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissAlexisDDD

I was so glad that Michael won this week, just to piss off Gretchen! He made them eat their words about him and his "lack" of sewing skills.

I was tickled that he won! But I was sad for Peach, she's such a sweetheart.


Well-known member
yea I wanted Peach to last longer also. =( Im also a Mando fan and wish Gretchen would have been gone already, but she has to stay on the show to be the person everyone likes to hate right? anyhow, Ivy needs to go too i think.


Well-known member
Aww, Peach

What a sweetie she is, sad to see her go.

SO happy to see Michael win again (bitches, leave him alone!). Even the judges were talking about the other contestants throwing him under the bus and dogging his abilities, and here he is with another stunning dress.

Eat it, hoes!

Ivy is an incredible bitch, and Gretchen isn't any better. The two of them bring such a negative vibe to those around them...hopefully when one of them gets the boot, the other will get a "reality" check and snap out of it.

Still love Mondo, and Casanova...and I love rooting for Michael C!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Project Runway S8 related: Why is Micheal C the scapegoat?

I'm finally catching up with the latest episode this week "You Can Totally Wear It Again" (bridemaid's dresses redo), and the amount of insecurity being projected onto that poor guy is amazing!

I'm paraphrasing here:
Ivy-' I heard Micheal is saying I'm the bitch of the show!'
Ivy-' I'm not gonna confront Micheal cause that's what he'll want!'
He even brings it up and says he didn't say anything like that and gets called an idiot behind his back!
Ivy-'I judge people by their character and through the course of the show Micheal's shown he doesn't have any good character.'
He's been barely there until he won the Avant Garde Hat episode!
Micheal -'I won!'
Ivy-'Of course you did.'

And then from the last episode "There IS an I in team" where they're throwing Mike under the bus and Ivy is the last to speak:
Ivy-'It's just pure ignorance and laziness.'

WTF!??! Such insecure gays and women!!!
The judges liked what he did! If any of those bitches have any objections I wish these COWARDS would throw some shade at the judges and get kicked the hell off!


Well-known member
Re: Project Runway S8 related: Why is Micheal C the scapegoat?

Although, she clearly said those things because we saw her say them, it is important to remember that the shows are edited to convey whatever the producers want to convey. It is not uncommon for the editing process to put comments out of context for maximum tv value.

A group of people living in harmony is not going to stay on the air long (this is due to viewer preferences not "Hollywood", etc.); so the production process needs to ensure that there is a level of conflict between characters. Most of the shows actually have a disclaimer to say that some things not seen on air may affect the outcome. Haven't you ever felt that someone should be let go but because they are part of a conflict situation they stay? Producers on these competitions have a say in the decision or at least approval before its announced.

These people are in a high-pressure environment; their actions, under such pressure and scrutiny, is not necessarily indicative of their real-life persona.

I take the characterizations on these shows and assume they are some-part real and some-part fictional (based on what the directors/producers want you to "see" and feel about a character.)

Even on a reality show, the people are characters in a show. Don't get me wrong, there are some characters that I'm happy to see leave, too. But it's the character that the show projected that I find annoying, I don't believe that I know whether that person is really like that or not IRL.

It's like taking the flaws of any one of us and magnifying them for national television.

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Re: Project Runway S8 related: Why is Micheal C the scapegoat?

Originally Posted by COBI
It's like taking the flaws of any one of us and magnifying them for national television.

Dude I hope that's true. I watching the Real Housewives of NJ and these bitches seem pretty awful and stupid, lololol.