I do see where you're coming from. BUT...
Psychiatrists/pharmacists don't always know what BC (if any) you're currently taking, so it might not occur to them to talk about it with you. It's your responsibility to make sure all of the different doctors you see are informed of what medications you're currently taking. Be sure to remind them every single visit, because they have a lot of patients, and chances are they won't remember all of your current information.
I understand why you're upset, but it really wasn't entirely your psychiatrist's fault, and I think you jumped the gun by sending an angry e-mail that puts all the blame on her.
I've been in this situation before, and you've really just gotta stay on top of things when it comes to your health and what medications you're given. Don't just rely on the doctors to cover all your bases for you, because it's your responsibility as well.
Sorry, it just sounds to me like you've left it completely in the hands of other people, and then when a mistake was made due to lack of communication, you placed the blame solely on them.
I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, or imply that you're bad for doing it, because I used to do it too (I also suffer from severe depression). But, you've gotta take responsibility for yourself. It seems like other people (your b/f, for example) are doing for you what you should be doing for yourself. They may want to do it, but it doesn't mean they should. Know what I mean?
Either way, I hope you will stick with therapy, even if it means changing doctors. It might not seem to be helping right now, but therapy DOES help. It's just ups and downs, y'know? Stick with it, work hard on it, and you'll get better. I wish you the best.