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Purple/Green Tutorial


Well-known member
Originally Posted by breathless
great tutorial! thanks doll! i can't wait to try this out! i have all the listed goodies =]

Hehehe, awesome!


I second the earlier comments. It's "a superb tutorial."

Can I ask what brushs you used?



Well-known member
wow!! i want some covergirl stuff now, your face looks awesome! i'm definitely voting for you in the contest... i hope u win!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 2prettie
I have bothe Shock and Garden Mist and did a similar look when I first got them.

that's cool...


Well-known member
Amazing Tutorial and nice creativity. Your face looks flawless.

I hate to be the one to say this..but your face is like 3 shades lighter than your body. Is this only in the pictures? It is definetely not a good look.


Well-known member
I love it!!!! You're seriously becoming one of my faves

You're so pretty too-and you eyes are striking!!



Well-known member
Thanks everyone, i keep forgetting to check my threads, haha...anyway to TrusyMyEyes the foundation isn't that light...it's just the flash! haha, if you watch my video, you can see it matches my face! But thank you though, i'm surprised no one else said anything


i love the green and purple!!! your eyes are hekka pretty looks perfect with on you. i always have the problem of eyeshadow falling on my cheeks but i will try the powder thing....good job!

Magic Markers

Well-known member
Wow. I love love loved the white eyeliner and the vaseline tricks. I always have crazy amounts of trouble with eyeshadow, I'm going to have to try this tomorrow. Amazing, thank you!